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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pt. 2: An Open Letter to Those Who Oppose Healthcare Reform

This issue has really worked my last nerves, because I don’t understand why the citizens’ who oppose it are doing so. Nah, I do know why they oppose it but the most important reason is the selfishness of people who can’t see beyond their own little world, which personally I think is at the end of their noses. I also believe many of the resistance with the newly created “tea party” have a lot to do with racism and that includes people of color who practice reversed racism. Many of these opposers call themselves “Christians” but I don’t know what Bible they’ve been reading and most of them are “conservatives” to which I have an article about this classification and it’s along the line of this quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt, “A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward”. That’s the problem; conservatives are so full of themselves and their piousness that they actually do live in their own little world and have refused to broaden their horizon even for the betterment of those who have little to nothing.

What boggles the brain is how do they get followers with all the lies they tell? They have blown the reform so out of context that weak-minded citizens actually believe it but in the words of William Faulkner, “facts and truth don’t have much to do with each other”. You know, I have a better nickname for this group of our fellow citizens running around as though the world’s about to end and I shall dub them “chicken littlers”. For anyone not familiar with Chicken Little, he was the chick who freaked out when something dropped on his head and he ran around frightening the other animals by yelling, “the sky is falling”. These “chicken littlers” and their followers don’t have the facts straight and they definitely haven’t spoken any truth but their own disguised as facts. Just to show how weak their “religious” take on this is, I’d like to share some facts. In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew there are 16 incidents of Jesus Christ healing people. In the Gospel of Mark, there are 16 incidents of healing. In the Gospel of Luke, there 18 incidents; and in the Gospel of John, there are only four (4). The bottom line is this, Christian means “follower of Christ” and one cannot be a true follower and not support the bill that would ease the burden of so many citizens, adults and children, living in pain and suffering. Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy and not sacrifice[1].

[1] Matthew 9: 12 – 13 & Hosea 6:6

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