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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I just finished reading an article on Yahoo's NewsBlog about a New York Times columnist by the name of Frank Rich, who wisely and correctly, wrote an article about the real purpose fueling the "tea party" folks. Then, of all people to respond to the article, Pat Sajak of "Wheel of Fortune" fame, fired back stating Rich didn't know of what he speaks. Hey Pat, can you read these letters? R-A-C-I-S-M.

One has got to be either moronic or living in a cave to not recognize the signs. These "tea party" folks weren't having a problem when their beloved Bush was running up the deficit and then borrowing from one of the country in the "axis of evil", China. They didn't seem to mind when it was found that there were no WMDs in Iraq but those of us who knew the truth protested but the "tea party" folks branded protesters as unpatriotic. So, for Pat Sajak and all the other citizens, across the board, wake up, it is racism. Do realize that none of this fury came about until the moment we all learned that Barack Obama would be the 44th president. The fear mongers worked up all those pitiful, weak minded citizens, who seem to not have the ability to think for themselves. There is a big diffference between disagreements and wrath, and it is wrath that these people are exhuming with the same fury as those who decried Civil Rights. The same wrath that produced the Civil War because of the difference of opinions on how to treat another human being. The same wrath that took the form of Caucasian males hanging Black men, that was racism. The treatment of Black congressmen a couple of weeks ago was racism in the same manner and form as those Black students arriving for the first day of school in Little Rock. Was that not racism? I could go on and on but only those who acknowledges the truth and the reality of it understands. For those with blinders on, just like horses, their views are very narrow and will never see another perspective but their own. All you can do is feel sorry for such puppets because that's exactly what they are; mindless puppets under the control of the likes of Sarah Palin, who by the way, is living up to exactly what Levi said, Rush Limbaugh and many other mindless receptacles of hot air. There's an adage about how those living in glass houses shouldn't throw any stones. Their house will collaspe soon and how great will the shatter be.

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