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Monday, March 22, 2010


This article is about pro-choice and abortion. As a woman who has had an abortion, I understand both sides of this debate; and I will address this issue from both the political and spiritual/religious aspects.

Many of you are familiar with this scripture, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have everlasting life[1]. What many of you miss is that one single word, whoever. Whoever is a choice word and if our Creator has given us free will, who is flesh and blood to take that away? The scripture doesn’t say, 'you must or you have to', it says “whoever”, and you have the right to choose to follow or not, your choice, free will. Free will means the freedom of the will to choose a course of action without external coercion but the actions of pro-lifers is nothing but coercion. Under the Bill of Rights, the Third Article, Amendment 1 starts of with, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”[2] but again, that’s exactly what pro-lifers are attempting to do. So, from both sides of the coin their stance is unjust and unfair.

One does not have the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Abortion is wrong but so is cheating, lying, hate and selfishness, just to name few. They [pro-lifers] choose which sins or moral code is the most offensive to them but they are not deities to pick and choose at their whim. They make choices for their lives yet they deny a woman the right to make decisions for her life. How can they, a creation, assume they know more of Christianity than He for Whom it was named? Do they really think that abortion did not exist when Christ walked this earth? They are stiff-necked, hard-hearted hypocrites. If they are so pro-life, why aren’t they adopting the children locked up or lost within the social service system? Why aren’t they trying to assist children, who for whatever reasons, live on the streets and are victimized by adults? Why aren’t they fighting to make changes for the children in urban communities and Native American reservations?

As long as their families are safe and secure, they really don’t care about anyone else. They are no more than puffed up peacocks trying to show their form of righteousness, to show how “Christianized” they are. Where, in the Bible, does it tell us to force our ways, our opinions on anyone? It tells us, “to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you[3]. They consider the death penalty as justifiable but murder is murder. Who are they to dictate which life is important and which one is not? One cannot support the death penalty and then deny a woman the right to make a decision for her life with her body. God forgives and forgets; people do not. My support for pro-choice is my responsibility to respect another’s decision. I nor anyone else have the right to condemn unless we are willing to support that woman and her child in every area of their lives and given the needs of so many fatherless children, one can only assume that pro-lifers will only go so far.

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