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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being a Christian and a Democrat

Written: 9/25/08

As an imperfect, Born-again Christian and a life-long Democrat, I am at a loss as to why so many Christians support the Republicans. I have never elected someone who “allegedly” represented my beliefs because my personal and spiritual relationship with FATHER is my own; no one has walked in my shoes or sees things through my eyes. No flesh and blood can represent my faith and for those who say a person represents their “values” is putting GOD in a box and denying the very being of JESUS CHRIST. I am a Democrat because they try to help those who are lost and struggling as stated in 1 John, which states, “if you having material goods and see one in need and do nothing about it, the love of GOD is not within you”. They’re flesh and blood, imperfect but with good and noble intentions. The GOP touts moral values but many Democrats are in their first marriage while many GOP are on second and third marriages, after committing adultery. Moral values? Yeah, can I sell you a piece of the sky? "Beware the leaven (ways) of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy; Luke 12:1".

We live in a nation diverse in nationalities and races yet all I saw during the GOP’s convention were a sea of Caucasian faces and a few minorities. This from a group of people who say they want my vote yet they don’t care enough about families like mine to even acknowledge people like me yet they are Christians. They throw around the word “liberal” as though it was a dirty word but the definition of that word is “to freely give” and isn’t that what the Starter of Christianity did, freely gave to those who sought Him out? Did He ever turn anyone away? The word “conservative” means “to keep things the same” and judging by the landscape of their convention, they have shown their true feelings especially when it come to the issue of race. Besides that, I don’t recall seeing the terms moral values or patriotism in the Bible I read. Unless my memory is incorrect, from a spiritual/religious view didn’t JESUS die for everyone and from a political aspect, aren’t we supposed to be “one nation under GOD”? I am disturbed that one can say all the right things regarding “moral values and patriotism”, and they get votes but I do remember that the perpetrator of all that is evil knows how to say the right things also; does that mean he should get our vote? Neither do I recall JESUS dying on the flag. With the exception of the Old Testament, I don’t recall any one nation being above all others. I do recall that in the Book of Acts, it states, “that from one drop of blood FATHER created all nations and had pre-determined where every man and boundaries would be”. Now, let me briefly address Sarah Palin’s derogatory comments about “community activists”. Community activists go into communities where there is a real need for hope and change. I am by no means comparing them to JESUS but who did He have mercy for, the rich and powerful Pharisees and Sadducees or those who were under some form of hurt and pain; the neglected and rejected? As a woman and a mother, to hear Palin make those comments sent chills down my spine. We, as women and mothers, are supposed to be nurturers, compassionate but I heard none of that in her tone.

I support pro-choice because our Creator allows us free will, who is flesh and blood to deny us that? No one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body unless they’re going to help support her and her child(ren) but given the rate of poverty and homelessness within our nation, talk is indeed cheap. Remember John 3:16? It states, “GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life”. Note two aspects of this scripture of which the first is “the world”, which means anyone and everyone. Not only those who cater to the GOP way of being but everyone who exists on the face of this earth. The second and most important is "whosoever" which is a choice word, so if the Creator of ALL life has given us the right to make choices, again, who is flesh and blood to take that choice away? These very same people do nothing to fight against the racial and economic injustices in this nation; are avid supporters of the death penalty and most of them are warmongers, who gave them the right? One cannot support life while denying it at their whim but again it is they forcing their views on others, trying to take away our GOD given inalienable rights to choose for ourselves. Hey, isn’t that the same thing the Taliban and Al Qaida is trying to do? Isn’t the reason we went to Afghanistan and why we’re still in Iraq is to allow those citizens the right to make choices? Isn’t all life special in FATHER’s eyes? A Christian is supposed to emulate CHRIST. The questions will be, when I was hungry, did you feed Me? When I was homeless, did you give Me shelter? Not did you have moral values and patriotism.

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