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Monday, March 15, 2010


How ignorant are we when we put labels to people because they're different from us? How asnine are we because we expect children to behave in a certain manner when the adults around them are far more childish? How inconsiderate are we when we expect everyone to do everything our way?

I must ask the "alleged" Christians, would you really know our Savior? It is quite interesting that the name the conservatives use to define those not living according to their format, could actually describe Jesus Christ and that word is "liberal". Defined, the word "liberal" means "giving freely, generous, favoring reform or progress". Isn't that what Jesus did, to freely give of Himself? "Communism" defined is any economic theory or system based on the ownership of all property by the community as a whole. Isn't that how Jesus and the disciples lived? Isn't that the example showed to us in Acts 4:32? Now of course there are more definitions to these words but this is what happens when you want something to work for you. Interestingly enough, "conservative" defined means to resist or oppose any changes; tending to preserve established traditions or institutions. Well, well, doesn't that sound like the stiff-necked religious leaders of Jesus' day as well as our modern day versions? This definition sits well with a quote from Machiavelli, who stated, "there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things, because the innovater has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions and lukewarm defenders in those who may dwell under the new". No wonder the "conservatives" rail against President Obama so much, but again I digress.

As interesting as this may be, we are passing on to a new generation mixed signals. How can we teach the children to have compassion but lambaste those who are different from us? How dare we, as a nation, even try to tell another country what to do when we have so many issues here at home that needs to be resolved? Children and adults alike are scarred because others choose to put labels on them. Labels hurt and they do a disservice to mankind, the creation of God. Labels keep people from breaking free of their prisons; it keeps children from living up to their potential; labels keep parts of society trapped in an economic quagmire. You, stiff-necked, hard hearted conservatives call children born to unmarried women, illegitimate. The very group of people who are pro-life would label an innocent baby that says they are nothing.

America, your labels hurt. It tears away the fabric of the soul. It arms those who are twisted with hate, ammunition and more reasons to do their deeds. It is the salt in the open wounds of those struggling to overcome society's stumbling blocks. For shame America, your red, white and blue are fading.

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