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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Eradication of Black Males

I watched a repeat of the show “Cold Case” about a young Black man who was brutalized and hung while the “I Have A Dream” speech played on the car radio of the murderers.

Although that form of murder of Black men is no longer legally allowed, this form has been replaced by another, incarceration. For years many “human rights” activists have discussed this, some politicians have made statements but because these are mainly Black men being imprisoned, they back off because the constituency really don’t care.

It is amazing that during the apartheid in South Africa, the United States had more Black men imprisoned than South Africa. There isn’t any justice in the legal system, it “just-is” that Black men are easy prey because of the color of their skin, their economic status and a deep-rooted fear of them. A brief note here, many within the Black community realize O.J. did it but for all the Blacks who have been mutilated, hung, raped and murdered by Caucasians, it was payback. It was to let White society know that what they felt after the verdict were feelings that Black society had to deal with for years by putting up with what White males did to Black men and women and getting away with it. It was the proverbial “gotcha”.

What has gone beyond frightening, however, is that the system is now targeting the Black youths. Instead of addressing the mental health and economic issues which is usually the root of some of these anti-social behaviors, society would rather incarcerate them. Compared to the Caucasian counterparts, whose activities are seen as “boys will be boys” behavior and who are usually slapped on the wrist, African-American youths have no alternatives because no one cares and that’s the problem. “NO ONE” does care. It’s not enough that the juvenile court system is overwhelmed with these young men; society is now dumping them into adult prison to endure what no child should. The police, prosecutors and the judges know this but again, they don’t care. Those who have the power to make changes have no regard for these youths; neither does society and these kids know it, at which point they don’t care and thus, they do what they do. Society fights to protect and coddle Caucasian children but not urban youths and these kids aren’t stupid or bad, they just need someone to fight for them, to care. Society has thrown them away.

When the Constitution was put together, they weren’t thinking of Black males, adults or the youth, it was about those who looked like those who signed it. Americans love to boast of their fairness in justice, their compassion and their values but only where it suits them. Considering that one is to be tried “by a jury of their peers”, having a jury comprised of middle class Caucasians is not justice, it surmounts to a legally sanctioned lynching. They would rather change the world to think and act like them than to concentrate on the injustices committed against Black men and the youth because “charity begins at home”. I am more incensed with those who allege of their Christian values because the Scripture says, “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune, which they have prescribed. To rob the needy of justice and to take what is right from the poor of My people, that widows may be their prey and that they rob the fatherless”[1] but they choose to ignore what their GOD told them to do because most of the poor, the fatherless don’t look like them. The Black family has been broken since the days of slavery and their still re-building, it’s a struggle not yet finished.

[1] Isaiah 10:1-2

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