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Monday, March 15, 2010


Although we are created in GOD’s image, we are not behaving as His children; we do not exude the love, mercy or patience to each other as He does towards us. In “The Matrix”, Hugo Weaving’s character is Agent Smith, a bad guy, for the “Matrix”. In a scene where he’s trying to get answers from Laurence Fishburne’s character, Morpheus, a good guy, Smith makes a rather nasty but interesting comparison about the humans he must keep in control and it is that we are parasites.

Although my dictionary is old, a parasite is defined as “1: one who eats at the table of another; a person, as in ancient Greece, who flattered and amused the host in return for free meals; 2: a person who lives at the expense of another or others without making any useful contribution or return; and 3: a plant or animal that lives on or in an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefits to and usually with harmful effects on the host”. Hmm, it seems our society fits the given criteria. The second definition describes our society’s need to comment on and criticize any and everyone in the public eye. We listen to so called “entertainment news” to see what the celebrities are doing in their “personal” lives. We buy, choke, rag papers which has no real value or contributes anything to our lives and due to our insatiable appetite of voyeurism, we have created the monster known as “paparazzi”. We, society’s children, assisted in Britney Spears’ breakdown; for Lindsay Lohan losing her way and the breakup of many marriages. How did we do that? By continuing to buy the rags and calling or going on line to comment on another person’s life. We put so much into celebrities, sports, politics or entertainment that we give credibility to those who assist in the disruption of marriages by actually listening to them; the Tiger Woods and John Edwards’s situations are prime examples. Who are those women and why should they get any time on air or any sympathy? Both men were wrong, no doubt, but those women knew who these men were and their marital status but they proceeded with the deed nonetheless. If all these females who loved throwing themselves at celebrities for their few minutes of fame where put back into the old and shameful roles of “harlot” and shamed maybe they’d think more carefully before throwing themselves onto these men. We encourage this behavior by needing, wanting to know the juicy details. Have we no shame? I’m sorry; I just couldn’t end without commenting about Sarah Palin, who, after denying everything her grandson’s daddy stated about her, seems to be living up to his statements about her ambition to be a celebrity. When will enough be enough?

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