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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I just finished reading an article on Yahoo's NewsBlog about a New York Times columnist by the name of Frank Rich, who wisely and correctly, wrote an article about the real purpose fueling the "tea party" folks. Then, of all people to respond to the article, Pat Sajak of "Wheel of Fortune" fame, fired back stating Rich didn't know of what he speaks. Hey Pat, can you read these letters? R-A-C-I-S-M.

One has got to be either moronic or living in a cave to not recognize the signs. These "tea party" folks weren't having a problem when their beloved Bush was running up the deficit and then borrowing from one of the country in the "axis of evil", China. They didn't seem to mind when it was found that there were no WMDs in Iraq but those of us who knew the truth protested but the "tea party" folks branded protesters as unpatriotic. So, for Pat Sajak and all the other citizens, across the board, wake up, it is racism. Do realize that none of this fury came about until the moment we all learned that Barack Obama would be the 44th president. The fear mongers worked up all those pitiful, weak minded citizens, who seem to not have the ability to think for themselves. There is a big diffference between disagreements and wrath, and it is wrath that these people are exhuming with the same fury as those who decried Civil Rights. The same wrath that produced the Civil War because of the difference of opinions on how to treat another human being. The same wrath that took the form of Caucasian males hanging Black men, that was racism. The treatment of Black congressmen a couple of weeks ago was racism in the same manner and form as those Black students arriving for the first day of school in Little Rock. Was that not racism? I could go on and on but only those who acknowledges the truth and the reality of it understands. For those with blinders on, just like horses, their views are very narrow and will never see another perspective but their own. All you can do is feel sorry for such puppets because that's exactly what they are; mindless puppets under the control of the likes of Sarah Palin, who by the way, is living up to exactly what Levi said, Rush Limbaugh and many other mindless receptacles of hot air. There's an adage about how those living in glass houses shouldn't throw any stones. Their house will collaspe soon and how great will the shatter be.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Black Folks & Racism

Written: 7/10/05

There are two sets of truths that exist, spiritual and physical and although I try to live by the spiritual, living on this earth sometimes make it quite difficult. Before I go into my spiel, I will start with two spiritual truths; they are “GOD is no respecter of persons,[1]” and “from ONE blood GOD created EVERY nation of men,[2] Racism is evil in itself and all who practice it, especially Christians, are stiff-necked, hard-hearted people. Beyond that, it never fails to amaze me that Black folks would have the audacity to practice this evil not only against others but each other.

Somewhere along the way, some Black folks assumed that they had that kind of power, NOT. I am so tired of hearing about ‘foreigners’; first because my parents are foreigners as am I and second we are all of one race, human. I am tired of hearing Black folks whine and complain about those foreigners. They do the jobs Black folks are too good to do anymore, so what’s the problem? Black folks complain about how many of them live in an apartment or a house but they are working together to better themselves, what are we doing for each other? In retrospect, the signing of the Civil Rights Bill did more harm than good because we lost our souls; we lost ourselves. I say that because the racism practiced against us still exists but we are no longer united. Before the signing of the C.R. Bill, we were there for each other, for comfort, for strength. Although we’re now allowed to sit anywhere on the bus, many still resort to the back. Some within our race who ‘have made it’ have forgotten those of who haven’t. It’s the light skinned, long hair females such as Beyonce, who is thrust upon us as the measure of beauty. Black children and adults who have the nerve to strive for something better are labeled as trying to be white. What is wrong here?

For all the talking Black folks do, they don’t or can’t seem to back it up by taking action. What happened after the Million Man March? I don’t see Black men stepping up to the plate. What about the Million Woman March? Black women are still treating each other with disrespect and distrust. The things Black folks had to contend with before the signing of the bill, still exists. Racism hasn’t been erased; those who practice it just can’t do it as openly. The problem also lies in the fact that people like Clarence Thomas and others of the race practice racism against their own. It’s all about image and what they got and what they can achieve for themselves and their peers just like those in my community. If they were about us, they would have fought harder for John Robinson and the MLK Center but they didn’t; but neither did the community.

Abraham Lincoln chose to free the slaves for emotional and political reasons; Lyndon B. Johnson signed the bill for the same reason. The owner of a dog will do what is necessary to keep it quiet. Within the global community, the U.S. was the owner; Black folks were the dogs. The neighbors were watching to see what was going to happen, so to quiet us they gave us a bone. Once we got that bone, we settled down with a whimper. We have no power because we are divided. I will close with two adages that says, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem” and “Silence is golden”, NOT.

[1] Acts 10:34

[2] Acts 17:26

Monday, March 22, 2010


This article is about pro-choice and abortion. As a woman who has had an abortion, I understand both sides of this debate; and I will address this issue from both the political and spiritual/religious aspects.

Many of you are familiar with this scripture, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but have everlasting life[1]. What many of you miss is that one single word, whoever. Whoever is a choice word and if our Creator has given us free will, who is flesh and blood to take that away? The scripture doesn’t say, 'you must or you have to', it says “whoever”, and you have the right to choose to follow or not, your choice, free will. Free will means the freedom of the will to choose a course of action without external coercion but the actions of pro-lifers is nothing but coercion. Under the Bill of Rights, the Third Article, Amendment 1 starts of with, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”[2] but again, that’s exactly what pro-lifers are attempting to do. So, from both sides of the coin their stance is unjust and unfair.

One does not have the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Abortion is wrong but so is cheating, lying, hate and selfishness, just to name few. They [pro-lifers] choose which sins or moral code is the most offensive to them but they are not deities to pick and choose at their whim. They make choices for their lives yet they deny a woman the right to make decisions for her life. How can they, a creation, assume they know more of Christianity than He for Whom it was named? Do they really think that abortion did not exist when Christ walked this earth? They are stiff-necked, hard-hearted hypocrites. If they are so pro-life, why aren’t they adopting the children locked up or lost within the social service system? Why aren’t they trying to assist children, who for whatever reasons, live on the streets and are victimized by adults? Why aren’t they fighting to make changes for the children in urban communities and Native American reservations?

As long as their families are safe and secure, they really don’t care about anyone else. They are no more than puffed up peacocks trying to show their form of righteousness, to show how “Christianized” they are. Where, in the Bible, does it tell us to force our ways, our opinions on anyone? It tells us, “to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you[3]. They consider the death penalty as justifiable but murder is murder. Who are they to dictate which life is important and which one is not? One cannot support the death penalty and then deny a woman the right to make a decision for her life with her body. God forgives and forgets; people do not. My support for pro-choice is my responsibility to respect another’s decision. I nor anyone else have the right to condemn unless we are willing to support that woman and her child in every area of their lives and given the needs of so many fatherless children, one can only assume that pro-lifers will only go so far.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Pragmatic Look at the Political Parties

To help state my case, I’d like to start with a parable from the Bible, it’s the “Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector”. Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, “God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess”. And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast, saying, “God, be merciful to me a sinner”. I tell you, this man (tax collector) went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself

will be abased and he who humbles himself, will be exalted[1].

The Pharisee is the Republican Party and the Tax Collector is the Democratic Party. Don’t get me wrong, I am not naïve to think every Republican is hard-hearted and every Democrat has a heart for the voiceless, however, the Republican Party uses the platform of religious/moral values and they’ve become so good at it, many alleged Christian citizens are fooled. I remember when GW Bush was elected, how many alleged Christians stated, “God wanted Bush to be president”, how egotistical. Where in the New Testament does it show God or even Jesus Christ getting involved with the mechanisms of the political process in any shape, form or manner? Not only that, in the temptations of Jesus Christ by the devil, there’s a specific point when the devil takes Jesus to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said to Him, “all these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me, for this has been delivered to me and I give it to whomever I wish[2]. Can that be any clearer and if it’s not here’s another one for you. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind[3]; which party would be more willing to honor such a statement? Reality check readers, again the Democrats are not perfect, far from it, they’re flesh and blood just like the Republicans and prone to making mistakes but they make an effort to do for the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind; “he who oppresses the poor reproaches His maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy[4], unlike their Republican counterparts who would rather look good on the outside to garner votes. The other interesting thing is that Republicans cow tow to the party line while Democrats, who act from their hearts, have different thoughts and ideas, sometimes stumbling over each other in their quest to do for those with no voice or power, to right a wrong After Jesus told His disciples of His impending death, Peter made a comment to which Jesus’ response was, “get behind Me, Satan! For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men[5]. The Republicans are not mindful of the religion they allege to follow, which makes them far more hypocritical than the Democrats. Do you remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? The ills of society existed when Christ walked this earth but His ministry, His heart went out to those who were in any form of bondage or despair; He had compassion on the very people the Democrats try to fight for and the Republicans ignore. I say to you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance[6].

I don’t have the power or the wealth to help those in need, so I vote for those with the power and the heart to help the weak of our society, that’s my responsibility as a Christian and a citizen, however, as a Christian, my life is not contingent on the actions or inactions of the Democrats, my party of choice. My life is contingent on my personal, spiritual relationship with Father because “my faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God[7]. Choices should not be made according to what one says but what one does and having the wisdom to see the difference, that’s how I vote because we are warned, “beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ[8]

[1] Luke 18: 9-14

[2] Matthew 4:1-12 & Luke 4:1-13

[3] Luke 14:13

[4] Proverbs 14: 31

[5] Matthew 16:23 & Mark 8:33

[6] Luke 15: 7 & 10

[7] 1 Corinthians 2:5

[8] Colossians 2:8

Monday, March 15, 2010


How ignorant are we when we put labels to people because they're different from us? How asnine are we because we expect children to behave in a certain manner when the adults around them are far more childish? How inconsiderate are we when we expect everyone to do everything our way?

I must ask the "alleged" Christians, would you really know our Savior? It is quite interesting that the name the conservatives use to define those not living according to their format, could actually describe Jesus Christ and that word is "liberal". Defined, the word "liberal" means "giving freely, generous, favoring reform or progress". Isn't that what Jesus did, to freely give of Himself? "Communism" defined is any economic theory or system based on the ownership of all property by the community as a whole. Isn't that how Jesus and the disciples lived? Isn't that the example showed to us in Acts 4:32? Now of course there are more definitions to these words but this is what happens when you want something to work for you. Interestingly enough, "conservative" defined means to resist or oppose any changes; tending to preserve established traditions or institutions. Well, well, doesn't that sound like the stiff-necked religious leaders of Jesus' day as well as our modern day versions? This definition sits well with a quote from Machiavelli, who stated, "there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things, because the innovater has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions and lukewarm defenders in those who may dwell under the new". No wonder the "conservatives" rail against President Obama so much, but again I digress.

As interesting as this may be, we are passing on to a new generation mixed signals. How can we teach the children to have compassion but lambaste those who are different from us? How dare we, as a nation, even try to tell another country what to do when we have so many issues here at home that needs to be resolved? Children and adults alike are scarred because others choose to put labels on them. Labels hurt and they do a disservice to mankind, the creation of God. Labels keep people from breaking free of their prisons; it keeps children from living up to their potential; labels keep parts of society trapped in an economic quagmire. You, stiff-necked, hard hearted conservatives call children born to unmarried women, illegitimate. The very group of people who are pro-life would label an innocent baby that says they are nothing.

America, your labels hurt. It tears away the fabric of the soul. It arms those who are twisted with hate, ammunition and more reasons to do their deeds. It is the salt in the open wounds of those struggling to overcome society's stumbling blocks. For shame America, your red, white and blue are fading.


Although we are created in GOD’s image, we are not behaving as His children; we do not exude the love, mercy or patience to each other as He does towards us. In “The Matrix”, Hugo Weaving’s character is Agent Smith, a bad guy, for the “Matrix”. In a scene where he’s trying to get answers from Laurence Fishburne’s character, Morpheus, a good guy, Smith makes a rather nasty but interesting comparison about the humans he must keep in control and it is that we are parasites.

Although my dictionary is old, a parasite is defined as “1: one who eats at the table of another; a person, as in ancient Greece, who flattered and amused the host in return for free meals; 2: a person who lives at the expense of another or others without making any useful contribution or return; and 3: a plant or animal that lives on or in an organism of another species from which it derives sustenance or protection without benefits to and usually with harmful effects on the host”. Hmm, it seems our society fits the given criteria. The second definition describes our society’s need to comment on and criticize any and everyone in the public eye. We listen to so called “entertainment news” to see what the celebrities are doing in their “personal” lives. We buy, choke, rag papers which has no real value or contributes anything to our lives and due to our insatiable appetite of voyeurism, we have created the monster known as “paparazzi”. We, society’s children, assisted in Britney Spears’ breakdown; for Lindsay Lohan losing her way and the breakup of many marriages. How did we do that? By continuing to buy the rags and calling or going on line to comment on another person’s life. We put so much into celebrities, sports, politics or entertainment that we give credibility to those who assist in the disruption of marriages by actually listening to them; the Tiger Woods and John Edwards’s situations are prime examples. Who are those women and why should they get any time on air or any sympathy? Both men were wrong, no doubt, but those women knew who these men were and their marital status but they proceeded with the deed nonetheless. If all these females who loved throwing themselves at celebrities for their few minutes of fame where put back into the old and shameful roles of “harlot” and shamed maybe they’d think more carefully before throwing themselves onto these men. We encourage this behavior by needing, wanting to know the juicy details. Have we no shame? I’m sorry; I just couldn’t end without commenting about Sarah Palin, who, after denying everything her grandson’s daddy stated about her, seems to be living up to his statements about her ambition to be a celebrity. When will enough be enough?

The Eradication of Black Males

I watched a repeat of the show “Cold Case” about a young Black man who was brutalized and hung while the “I Have A Dream” speech played on the car radio of the murderers.

Although that form of murder of Black men is no longer legally allowed, this form has been replaced by another, incarceration. For years many “human rights” activists have discussed this, some politicians have made statements but because these are mainly Black men being imprisoned, they back off because the constituency really don’t care.

It is amazing that during the apartheid in South Africa, the United States had more Black men imprisoned than South Africa. There isn’t any justice in the legal system, it “just-is” that Black men are easy prey because of the color of their skin, their economic status and a deep-rooted fear of them. A brief note here, many within the Black community realize O.J. did it but for all the Blacks who have been mutilated, hung, raped and murdered by Caucasians, it was payback. It was to let White society know that what they felt after the verdict were feelings that Black society had to deal with for years by putting up with what White males did to Black men and women and getting away with it. It was the proverbial “gotcha”.

What has gone beyond frightening, however, is that the system is now targeting the Black youths. Instead of addressing the mental health and economic issues which is usually the root of some of these anti-social behaviors, society would rather incarcerate them. Compared to the Caucasian counterparts, whose activities are seen as “boys will be boys” behavior and who are usually slapped on the wrist, African-American youths have no alternatives because no one cares and that’s the problem. “NO ONE” does care. It’s not enough that the juvenile court system is overwhelmed with these young men; society is now dumping them into adult prison to endure what no child should. The police, prosecutors and the judges know this but again, they don’t care. Those who have the power to make changes have no regard for these youths; neither does society and these kids know it, at which point they don’t care and thus, they do what they do. Society fights to protect and coddle Caucasian children but not urban youths and these kids aren’t stupid or bad, they just need someone to fight for them, to care. Society has thrown them away.

When the Constitution was put together, they weren’t thinking of Black males, adults or the youth, it was about those who looked like those who signed it. Americans love to boast of their fairness in justice, their compassion and their values but only where it suits them. Considering that one is to be tried “by a jury of their peers”, having a jury comprised of middle class Caucasians is not justice, it surmounts to a legally sanctioned lynching. They would rather change the world to think and act like them than to concentrate on the injustices committed against Black men and the youth because “charity begins at home”. I am more incensed with those who allege of their Christian values because the Scripture says, “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune, which they have prescribed. To rob the needy of justice and to take what is right from the poor of My people, that widows may be their prey and that they rob the fatherless”[1] but they choose to ignore what their GOD told them to do because most of the poor, the fatherless don’t look like them. The Black family has been broken since the days of slavery and their still re-building, it’s a struggle not yet finished.

[1] Isaiah 10:1-2

The Forgotten Children

Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Amber’s Law, The Adam Walsh Act are all federal laws in attempts to protect the children. What do all these things have in common? These laws were established due to a horrendous act against a Caucasian child. There are no laws enacted due to any action taken against a child of color.

ALL children are supposed to be special; however, society has shown that that’s not true. If a Caucasian female, of certain ages, go missing anywhere in this nation , the local and national news media plasters it across the TV screens and bombards us with every detail until the victim is found and/or a perpetrator is captured; just look at the Chandra Levy case. However, if the female’s ethnicity is different, sometimes you may hear a blurb but that’s it. Heinous crimes committed against children is more than reprehensible but it happens to non-Caucasian children as well and if these laws actually protected those not in the spotlight, then bravo, otherwise, lawmakers and laypeople need to do some serious soul searching to protect the children who don’t look like their own. I doubt, however, that there’ll be much hand wringing and I am reminded of a case a few years ago when three African-American children were killed by a vehicle driven by an intoxicated Caucasian elementary school teacher, she got an insignificant punishment, a slap on the wrist. “She is a contributing member of society”, were the words of the judge who gave no thought about the possibilities of those children or the agony of their mother because they were poor African-Americans. Had those children come from a middle class setting, the decision may have been a little different, maybe the driver would’ve gotten probation but the reality is if those children had been Caucasian from a middle class, and up, suburban family, oh yes, the penalty may have been a little different.

Why are Caucasian children more important? Is it the sense of entitlement that has permeated through the ages? I’m sure there are many teenagers, despite socio-economics and ethnicity, who dabble in sex, alcohol and drugs but it’s only a matter of dire urgency when these issues affect Caucasian teenagers. Is it because they don’t make wise decisions and their parents feel that they have to coddle these kids? Do minority children make wiser choices or is it their parents have taught them about responsibility? How many times have we heard on the news of a Caucasian teen drinking themselves to death on college campuses? Then we hear the parents’ state that so and so was a good kid and they don’t know how this could have happened. What happened is that home training wasn’t good enough to teach these kids how to have backbone and to resist peer pressure. I’m not saying that they deserved to die, what I’m saying is that there’s something to think about when a child who had everything given to them, not have enough sense to say “NO”. When minority children get involved with illegal activities to make money, society’s response is to lock them away, no one wants to take the time to discover the root of this problem or to solve it but monies will pour into programs to address issues that affect Caucasian children. It is interesting to note that African-American children raised in a middle class environment still don’t face the same issues as their Caucasian counterparts such as drunk driving, alcoholic intoxication, etc. Again, is this due to the parenting or something else?

I will close this argument by pointing out that African-American youths who involve themselves in illicit affairs have the intelligence to set up, organize and control an organization that again, though it is illegal, is run better than some established commercial entities. They have control of their employees and the loyalties; have control of parts of the community and the streets. Imagine, if you will, these fine minds running a Fortune 500 company. Come to think about it, maybe that’s exactly why society doesn’t put more into these forgotten children.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Separation of Church and State

There are two adages which states, “Politics make strange bedfellows” and “oil and water don’t mix”. Although they’re not scriptural, they make a lot of sense. There has been a consistent debate as to the separation of church and state. What it is actually is the use of religious ideology by those who see their way as being the only way. It’s rather frightening considering the fact that this country is trying to stop others abroad for practicing the same thing, especially by a Republican administration. As I’ve stated before, religion and spirituality are two different things. I had a key chain that read, “I’m not religious, I just love the Lord”. Those who came to this country were trying to escape the same form of tyranny that the Republicans, especially the conservative wing, are trying to enforce. Grown people, known as adults, are not allowed to make decisions for “their” lives if the conservative religious factions don’t agree with it. Are they forgetting that Father loves the sinner and not the sin? “Comprehension is not a prerequisite for cooperation”, a quote from Matrix Reloaded. We should never compromise treating another human being as such because we don’t understand their way of being, thus the separation of church and state. It is the responsibility of the state and federal government to protect the weakest segments of our society against those who would do any form of harm. Take for instance the Civil Rights movement to which the weaker segment at that time was African-Americans who were denied the rights of just being treated as human beings. Martin Luther King, Jr. and some ministers, African-Americans and Caucasian alike, fought for what is supposed to be a God given right; to be treated with dignity as another human being, a creation of GOD but it was the federal government who stepped in to solidify what the national church body failed to do, ensure that its citizens of color would no longer be treated as less than those who wanted to do harm. It is interesting that those opposed to the separation of church and state had no qualms in trying to protect their way of being while denying the rights of another during the Civil Rights era and many of them have not changed their way of thought or being.

Jesus Christ said, “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s[1], which shows in itself that religion/spirituality and the government should be kept as two separate entities and each given its rightful due diligence yet one marries in the church but receive a divorce by the state represented by the courts. The conservatives fail to realize that forcing prayer in schools is against the teaching of Jesus Christ, Who tells us to separate ourselves[2]. He Himself had nothing to do with the politics or politicians of His day. He went as far as telling His followers, “take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees”,[3] and it is later explained this way, “then they (the followers) understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of the bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees”[4]. It doesn’t make sense to force religion into schools or any other secular venue when those forcing it don’t even live by the standards established by Christ. Another prime example is the fact that if the federal government decides to go to war, the military have to follow the orders of the Commander-in-Chief yet as Christians, we are forbidden to kill. The waters are indeed murky when it comes to this topic of discussion but I must remind everyone that there is indeed a difference between religion and spirituality. Religion and those who follow it have a deluded sense of assuming that they have the “God” connection and of using their religion to make themselves feel and look better but they are forgetting that a great many evils have been committed in the Name of God, Allah or any other religious cover. Spirituality is a quiet calmness of life that one lives knowing Who they depend on, living to serve others as Christ did. “These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh[5] and “beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basis principle of the world and not according to Christ”.[6]

[1] Matthew 12:17

[2] Matthew 6:5-7

[3] Matthew 16:6

[4] Matthew 16:12

[5] Colossians 2:23

[6] Colossians 2:28

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pt. 2: An Open Letter to Those Who Oppose Healthcare Reform

This issue has really worked my last nerves, because I don’t understand why the citizens’ who oppose it are doing so. Nah, I do know why they oppose it but the most important reason is the selfishness of people who can’t see beyond their own little world, which personally I think is at the end of their noses. I also believe many of the resistance with the newly created “tea party” have a lot to do with racism and that includes people of color who practice reversed racism. Many of these opposers call themselves “Christians” but I don’t know what Bible they’ve been reading and most of them are “conservatives” to which I have an article about this classification and it’s along the line of this quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt, “A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward”. That’s the problem; conservatives are so full of themselves and their piousness that they actually do live in their own little world and have refused to broaden their horizon even for the betterment of those who have little to nothing.

What boggles the brain is how do they get followers with all the lies they tell? They have blown the reform so out of context that weak-minded citizens actually believe it but in the words of William Faulkner, “facts and truth don’t have much to do with each other”. You know, I have a better nickname for this group of our fellow citizens running around as though the world’s about to end and I shall dub them “chicken littlers”. For anyone not familiar with Chicken Little, he was the chick who freaked out when something dropped on his head and he ran around frightening the other animals by yelling, “the sky is falling”. These “chicken littlers” and their followers don’t have the facts straight and they definitely haven’t spoken any truth but their own disguised as facts. Just to show how weak their “religious” take on this is, I’d like to share some facts. In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew there are 16 incidents of Jesus Christ healing people. In the Gospel of Mark, there are 16 incidents of healing. In the Gospel of Luke, there 18 incidents; and in the Gospel of John, there are only four (4). The bottom line is this, Christian means “follower of Christ” and one cannot be a true follower and not support the bill that would ease the burden of so many citizens, adults and children, living in pain and suffering. Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy and not sacrifice[1].

[1] Matthew 9: 12 – 13 & Hosea 6:6

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Black Folks - Playing Church and Living a Lie

Written: 7/21/05

There are so many ‘isms’ in our society, there should be a place of sanctuary for us to go. Across this nation, all over the world, there are people suffering without hope and no one to turn to. Used to be a time when followers of JESUS CHRIST followed His example, but no more. Although this situation affects every segment of society, national and international, I must address where the pain and suffering is most evident, within the Black race and community.

There used to be a time when Black people knew who they were and although there were always the bad seeds in our community, we were family. Now we have the so-called equality that was fought for; the ills that those in power once dealt with, is now ours also and we have nowhere to go to re-group, spiritually or otherwise. Gone are the days when ministers where examples of true men of GOD. When they gave unselfishly of themselves; when they made sure the poor in the community was taken care of. Gone are the days when the church was the family we could turn to for strength, for laughter, for fellowship.

There is an epidemic of single women raising children without a male in the home. Many of these kids are tired of suffering from the economic disadvantage they’re living and so they turn to crime. Where is the church? Where is the support for these kids and their mothers? The church and alleged Christians have been mandated by the Word of GOD to take care of the fatherless. The church and alleged Christians have been mandated to have compassion of the lost and weak as JESUS CHRIST did. What is the response of the Black church and those within its walls? They put together their little committees within the churches assuming they can truly effect change from there. They have their revivals but for whose benefit? They join up with civic groups and get to know those in the seats of power to expand their reach. The Black church has become an elitist, bourgeois gathering place for those who have. They’re busy doing everything else but what they were called to do which was to “go out into the world and teach”,{Matt.28:19-20 & Mark 16:15-17}. Instead, they have created their own little world and are satisfied with it. If a person in economic distress requests help, the first question asked is “are you a member of our church?” I understand that there needs to be an order of things but the order should be the example that JESUS CHRIST and His disciples set for us. They lived as one, the first form of communism, (a negative term coined by those in power but that’s for another article), and in the Book of Acts, we see the sincerity of their hearts and spirit when “Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need”, {Acts 4:32,34-35}. Ask some economically established Black Christians to do that and see what the response is. There are some Black churches and those within the walls who walk the walk but unfortunately finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Black folks in the church have a tendency of telling other folks about “how they need to be in the church”. Those folks need to remember they are not all that and until they are truly living as the Lord instructed, they have nothing to say. You play favoritism when the Bible instructs us not to do so, {James 2:2-4}. The very people you look down on are the ones GOD uses, {1 Corinthians 1:27-29}. You folks like to talk the talk but you don’t walk it. You hold on to your material possessions by any means necessary rather than share; excusing yourselves by saying how hard you worked or how the person in need is not trying enough. Hypocrites, the Bible states clearly, “But whoever has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of GOD abide in him? My little children let us not love in word or tongue but in deed and in truth”, {1 John 3:17 – 18}. The interesting thing is that most of you wouldn’t know JESUS if He walked the earth today. In our modern society, folks “in the church” would ignore Him. He didn’t have a stable address, so he’s homeless; He was not educated and He always had the “wrong” kind of people around Him. You know the kind; the socially challenged of society, the kind you look down on because they don’t dress, talk or behave as you do.

I will close by saying just because you’re “in the church” doesn’t mean you’re in the Lord. Know that the very people you refuse to stand up for; to help, are the same that JESUS dealt with. The religious right of His day and our modern times are no different from those of you “in the church”. Know that it’s not about what you have; it’s what you do with it and how you do it. On Judgment Day, there will be two groups of people, the sheep and the goats. The sheep “gave Him food when he was hungry; gave Him drink when He was thirsty; took Him in as a stranger; clothed Him when He was naked; visited Him when He was sick; went to Him when He was imprisoned”. The goats “gave Him nothing when He was hungry; gave Him nothing when He was thirsty; did not give him shelter as a stranger; did not cloth Him when He was naked; did not visit Him when He was sick; did not see Him when He was imprisoned. “Inasmuch as you did or did not do to the least of these His brethren, you did it to Him”, {Matthew 25:32-46}. Need I say more?


Written: 8/24/05

In last week’s article, I discussed the way we allow our children to dress and how much priority is put on fashion but I don’t feel I stressed it enough.

In the Washington Post’s August 14th Style section, I read a story about a young man, who had been involved in some illegal activities but was turning his life around. The unfortunate thing is the young man who was just realizing the difference and respect that hard work could garner, lost his life behind a jacket, a jacket which cost $349 and not by way of a legitimate purchase but via the ways of the street. The interesting thing is that this jacket is not a norm of the ‘hood like Timberlands and Nike’s; this jacket is something diehard athletes usually purchase and I don’t mean ball players. That means that someone in a video had this on and everyone wanted to “be”. What are we teaching our children? Worse, yet, what is it that we’re not teaching them? When children are so willing to follow what someone else is doing shows a weak mind. And when parents are willing to buy items so that their child is keeping up with everyone, shows what is wrong not only with society but with our children.

The only values children are learning are the value and the power of money; the value and power of violence. Spiritual teachings are not on the forefront of our lives and we are paying the price for the greed permeating every aspect of our society. Adults will boycott their jobs for more money even when they’re making a decent living. When is enough going to be enough? We have people in both secular and spiritual arenas owning more than one house when we have homelessness in this land yet we brag of our democracy; something is truly wrong with this picture. In this country we as adults, irregardless of our status in society, teach and show the children by being the foul-mouthed, unforgiving, selfish and racist adults that we are. We point out the flaws in other people, gender, races, ethnicity and nations; how dare we?!!!

What goes around, comes around is an adage but the Bibles says, “GOD will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he reap, {Galatians 6:7}”. And of course, we all know the GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as you would want them to do to you”. That scripture is not just addressing individuals but nations as well. In this country, there is so much hatred towards each other and towards those who are different from us and towards those in other countries. We ARE reaping the consequences of our attitudes, our policies, and our alleged superiority. As imperfect as I am, I know that my HEAVENLY FATHER loves me but how I treat others also determines whether I reap blessings or not. Some of you may feel that what I’m about to say is unpatriotic but my first allegiance is to JESUS CHRIST, the Cross and not to the flag made by man. I was online a week ago and ran across an article of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The inhumanity of what was done to innocent citizens of Japan really made my head spin. I know that the Japanese started it by bombing Pearl Harbor but why wasn’t an atomic bomb dropped on Hitler and Germany; or Mussolini and Italy? As I read the horrific details, I was reminded of 9/11 but it surpassed 9/11 in many ways because children where killed and maimed; whole families destroyed. They were innocent victims of the choices made by the leader of their nation; as the victims of 9/11 were innocent victims of the choices made by the leaders of this country. This country has committed murders both in this country and abroad and the Bible tells us, “Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder you have become a transgressor of the law, {James 2:11}”. The Bible also says, “For the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of GOD, {James 1:20}”. As a country of alleged Christians, we have done EVERYTHING wrong.

As parents, as adults we have to know the spiritual truth and acknowledge the physical truth; until we do that, we cannot bemoan the actions of the youths. For we are no more than "the blind leading the blind" and for that, there will be consequences.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being a Christian and a Democrat

Written: 9/25/08

As an imperfect, Born-again Christian and a life-long Democrat, I am at a loss as to why so many Christians support the Republicans. I have never elected someone who “allegedly” represented my beliefs because my personal and spiritual relationship with FATHER is my own; no one has walked in my shoes or sees things through my eyes. No flesh and blood can represent my faith and for those who say a person represents their “values” is putting GOD in a box and denying the very being of JESUS CHRIST. I am a Democrat because they try to help those who are lost and struggling as stated in 1 John, which states, “if you having material goods and see one in need and do nothing about it, the love of GOD is not within you”. They’re flesh and blood, imperfect but with good and noble intentions. The GOP touts moral values but many Democrats are in their first marriage while many GOP are on second and third marriages, after committing adultery. Moral values? Yeah, can I sell you a piece of the sky? "Beware the leaven (ways) of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy; Luke 12:1".

We live in a nation diverse in nationalities and races yet all I saw during the GOP’s convention were a sea of Caucasian faces and a few minorities. This from a group of people who say they want my vote yet they don’t care enough about families like mine to even acknowledge people like me yet they are Christians. They throw around the word “liberal” as though it was a dirty word but the definition of that word is “to freely give” and isn’t that what the Starter of Christianity did, freely gave to those who sought Him out? Did He ever turn anyone away? The word “conservative” means “to keep things the same” and judging by the landscape of their convention, they have shown their true feelings especially when it come to the issue of race. Besides that, I don’t recall seeing the terms moral values or patriotism in the Bible I read. Unless my memory is incorrect, from a spiritual/religious view didn’t JESUS die for everyone and from a political aspect, aren’t we supposed to be “one nation under GOD”? I am disturbed that one can say all the right things regarding “moral values and patriotism”, and they get votes but I do remember that the perpetrator of all that is evil knows how to say the right things also; does that mean he should get our vote? Neither do I recall JESUS dying on the flag. With the exception of the Old Testament, I don’t recall any one nation being above all others. I do recall that in the Book of Acts, it states, “that from one drop of blood FATHER created all nations and had pre-determined where every man and boundaries would be”. Now, let me briefly address Sarah Palin’s derogatory comments about “community activists”. Community activists go into communities where there is a real need for hope and change. I am by no means comparing them to JESUS but who did He have mercy for, the rich and powerful Pharisees and Sadducees or those who were under some form of hurt and pain; the neglected and rejected? As a woman and a mother, to hear Palin make those comments sent chills down my spine. We, as women and mothers, are supposed to be nurturers, compassionate but I heard none of that in her tone.

I support pro-choice because our Creator allows us free will, who is flesh and blood to deny us that? No one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body unless they’re going to help support her and her child(ren) but given the rate of poverty and homelessness within our nation, talk is indeed cheap. Remember John 3:16? It states, “GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life”. Note two aspects of this scripture of which the first is “the world”, which means anyone and everyone. Not only those who cater to the GOP way of being but everyone who exists on the face of this earth. The second and most important is "whosoever" which is a choice word, so if the Creator of ALL life has given us the right to make choices, again, who is flesh and blood to take that choice away? These very same people do nothing to fight against the racial and economic injustices in this nation; are avid supporters of the death penalty and most of them are warmongers, who gave them the right? One cannot support life while denying it at their whim but again it is they forcing their views on others, trying to take away our GOD given inalienable rights to choose for ourselves. Hey, isn’t that the same thing the Taliban and Al Qaida is trying to do? Isn’t the reason we went to Afghanistan and why we’re still in Iraq is to allow those citizens the right to make choices? Isn’t all life special in FATHER’s eyes? A Christian is supposed to emulate CHRIST. The questions will be, when I was hungry, did you feed Me? When I was homeless, did you give Me shelter? Not did you have moral values and patriotism.