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Friday, May 14, 2010

Womanhood – Sexy vs. Trashy

Although I love addressing political issues, I occasionally love to write about societal issues and have strayed from it for a while but after the article addressing the political observance of womanhood, I thought about looking at the same issue from another point of view, so here I go.

Do you know why we love getting presents? Because we’re excited about what we’re getting and of course, sometimes we’re disappointed. The same cannot be said about how some females, girls, women of all shapes, sizes and races are dressing or not. Allowing the world to glimpse your goodies doesn’t make one sexy; in fact, it makes some look like unkempt prostitutes, trashy. Unfortunately, it’s become the norm.

Being sexy means loving who you are as a woman and your clothes are well fitting. What that means is that it molds onto your body in comfort; that it reveals your femininity without showing everything. One shouldn’t have to squeeze into their clothes. It’s too tight when a part of your body looks like it’s trying to escape for air. It’s too tight when one can count all the rolls on your body and the lines of your delicates are shouting its existence to the world.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice being a little spicy but there’s a time and a place. Yeah, you may have the guys checking you out but it’s not “you”, it’s about sex and nothing but the sex. No respect, no commitment, no relationship, nothing but the sex. That decent man you’re looking for, if he’s about anything, isn’t going to settle for a female who doesn’t know how to carry herself well. Oh yeah, that really irks me, stop looking, stop trying "to find", he'll find you. That man isn’t going to settle for a female who doesn’t know how to carry a conversation and I don’t mean gossip. Snookie, from “The Jersey Shore” may be quite intelligent but what she chose to share with the rest of us made me pity her. Unfortunately there are men who want their women to be bimbos and many play into that stereotype.

Older women should know better. They are supposed to be examples of class for younger women, not following the dressing fashion of younger women. GOD has already blessed you with natural sexiness; one shouldn’t need to dress like a hooker to show that you’re sexy. Being female is sexy in itself. Sexiness is in the way a woman walks, in the way that she carries herself; the way she uses the brain GOD blessed her with and the way she lifts up those around her.

This may sound old fashioned but back in the day, only women with loose morals dressed the way many are dressing today. Don’t believe the hype shown on TV, music videos, etc.; those females make their money dressing that way, no innuendos here. They live in a world some dream of but it’s not reality. I found out a few years ago why Muslim women cover themselves. They are seen as treasures that only their husbands should see them in their feminine glory. Eva Longoria said, “I love being a woman. I love the sexiness we get to exude. But the best thing about being a woman is the power we have over men.”[1] Although the adage states, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, in today’s society you are judged by your appearances. When one doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, what’s left? Here’s looking at you!!

[1] http://www.popmonk.com/quotes/sex.htm

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