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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Are They for Real?

I watched “The Ed Show” this morning on MSNBC and he was interviewing the former governor of New York who refused to give President Obama any credit for his accomplishments but he did state, for the record, that the Obama administration is not a regime as stated by that postulate pus of hatred named Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately, he’s not the only postulate pus of hatred blowing hot air, he’s the only one so bloated with hot air that he almost resembles a walking blimp.

Rush stated, “I hope he fails.” Karl Rove, of all people, stated, “I’ve always said that I think he’s (President Obama) sort of an arrogant guy (who says) things that are simply not true.” Okay, this is from a guy who aided and abetted in the invasion of Iraq under the guise of WMD’s; who aided and abetted in the questionable second term of the real arrogant guy. Then we have good ole Dick Cheney, who never fails to live up to his first name, say, “President Obama could lead “foes” of the U.S. to “think they’re dealing with a weak president.” Okay, first, he must have forgotten their (Bush administration) policy on torture that assisted in the Muslim extremists’ ability to recruit more weak-minded people to join their alleged Jihad against the U.S. Second, does anyone not see how cool President Obama is? He’s like that silent but deadly hero we see in the movies. You know the one the blowhards always push around and ridicule but when it comes to the real smack down, he kicks their butts? The Bible says of folks like that, “he who is slow to wrath has great understanding; but he who is impulsive exalts folly.”[1] But here I go digressing again. Doesn’t my statement about the Muslim extremists’ ability to recruit weak-minded people sound like the right-wing conservatives and their tea baggers? One must truly be weak-minded to believe such fallacies and that takes me to my next stop. The Bible tells us that, “he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going[2] and these poor, deluded citizens don’t know where they’re going. They are mindless zombies willing to bend and turn, rant and rave at the command of their leaders not dissimilar to how Hitler gained control of Germany. Again, they’ve called the Obama administration “the regime” “socialists” and “gangster government” to name a few but have they stopped to consider whose pattern they’re following? Hatred and fear are powerful and dangerous tools to be wielded and those who wield it, in the paraphrased words of the Joker (Jack Nicholson), “are dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight”. All those in history that we abhor for the hatred and fear they’ve spewed started in the same manner. Hitler used hatred of the Jews, Christians used fear in the Crusades, Christians also used fear in the Salem Witch Hunts, it was fear and hatred that produced the Apartheid in South Africa and I can go on and on but you know the point I’m making. Such unleashed hatred added to the fuel of fear and lit by the match of ignorance can only result in calamity.

Yes, debate is a healthy thing but this isn’t about civilized, responsible debate, this is about, for less of a better description, a pack of rabid wild dogs foaming at the mouth.

Edmund Burke stated, “The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear” and well does Bertrand Russell describe the mentality of these postulate of pus and their mindless followers when he stated, “Collective fear stimulates herd instinct and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd.”

[1] Proverbs 14:29

[2] John 12:35

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