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What's interesting to me is how the two major political parties view women. It was the Democrats which had the first woman, Geraldine Ferraro, representing a major political party to fill the vice presidential seat and this wasn’t a move of desperation. During the 2008 presidential campaign, John McCain selected a female, not from serious thought and deliberations but one of desperation in hopes of picking up Hillary Clinton’s leftover women’s support and vote. Bad enough being desperate but he picked a woman, who although is a brunette, was essentially and mentally a blond. All you blonds out there, please don’t be offended, we all know of the dumb blond jokes but some of you are smarter than a fifth grader, unfortunately she wasn’t nor has that changed. The two leading Democrats to challenge the GOP’s stance on womanhood were Bill Clinton and now President Obama and there are two reasons for this. The first is the fact that both of these men were raised by hard-working single mothers and they saw how much these women sacrificed to make sure their sons achieved their dreams. Because of and through these experiences, they could more easily understand the needs of single mothers and the strength of women. The second reasons ties in with the first as they have realized the strength of women and not see them as “damsels in distress” who needs to be rescued or them having to stay in the kitchen. President Obama signed the “Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act” on
The Republicans like their dog and pony show because it allows them to still feel like men as they allow minorities and women to participate within their party, it’s just to get more dogs and ponies. Not to digress but in watching The Ed Show the other night on MSNBC, I learned that around 40 something African-Americans within the GOP were running for political positions, emboldened by the election of President Obama, unfortunately for them, they're not him. I don’t know if they are indeed supported by the RNC but if they are, it is only to say to African-Americans, "see we have people like you in our party" but it’s not from sincerity, it’s for political gain just as allowing women into their party is for political gain. Republican males are first and foremost or so they want to think, the master of their domain but the mindset is minorities and women knowing their place. Mrs. Ledbetter worked for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for two (2) decades during which times there have been Republican Administrations who were well aware of the Supreme Court’s ruling against her. Did any of them take any action? That would be a resounding “NO”. Republicans are threatened by strong political women who are usually Democrats. Just look at their response to Hillary Clinton during her husband’s administration, their comments on Teresa Heinz-Kerry during her husband’s run for the presidential seat or their reaction to Michelle Obama during the presidential campaign. In deference, John McCain’s wife played her part, as so many good Republican wives do. I, by no means, want to demean GOP wives but until they step out of their Stepford wives roles, they can’t expect to get the respect they so rightly deserve.
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