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Monday, May 31, 2010

No More Excuses

Enough is enough already. With Israel once again believing it answers to no one and attacking humanitarian ships out to help Palestinians, they have shown their hand in their unmistakable hatred for the Palestinians. For too long, U.S. foreign policies relating to this issue has always leaned to the side of the Israeli’s but this action cannot nor should it be denied or ignored.

If Israel wasn’t being devious and underhanded, they wouldn’t have been sneaking onto the boats in the wee hours of the morning, when they assumed most of those on board would be asleep. At this point, it really doesn’t matter where one is on the political or religious spectrum, Israel’s action is suspicious. For their soldiers to say they were defended themselves is akin to the giant saying he was protecting himself against Jack. This incident didn’t happen at a time when people were wide awake nor did they try and alert the boats of their intention of boarding. No, the soldiers lowered themselves onto the ships via military aircraft. To make matters worse is the official fact that these boats were in international waters, am I missing something here? For far too long, the international neighborhood kept their opinions to themselves regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but finally they are staying silent no more. It’s about time. Much of Israel’s behavior has been more or less condoned by former administrations especially a Republican administration, only President Obama has had the backbone to address the issue as it should be, demanding Israel to give the Gaza Strip back to the Palestinians and stop the building of settlements. Due to policies of past administrations the U.S. has become a target for those who hate Israel. Fair and equitable diplomacy should be the priority in international relationships, with some exceptions of course.

For far too long, administrations and the policies have catered to the whims of Israel due to religion and the religious. Is not evil still evil, no matter who is committing the evil deed? Is not t Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians similar to what Hitler did to the Jews or America did to the slaves and Native Americans? Inhumane treatment should not be tolerated in the guise of religion or protection from ally or foe. Didn’t GOD have mercy on Hagar, an Egyptian woman and mother of Ishmael, Abraham’s firstborn and Sarah’s maid? It was an Angel of the Lord who informed Hagar the name to give her yet unborn son.[1] Most importantly, the Angel said to Hagar, “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude.”[2] GOD is no respecter of persons, that’s why John 3:16 uses the word “whoever” which means anyone not just US and Israeli citizens, anyone and everyone who’s willing to believe. In the Gospel of John, JESUS CHRIST described Himself in seven (7) spiritual descriptions, of which one is The Shepherd. He stated, “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold (Jewish/Israelis), them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.”[3] Another illustration of the fairness of GOD and CHRIST, the Bible states, “That JESUS would die for the nation (Israel), and not for that nation only, but also that He would gather in one the children of GOD who were scattered abroad”.[4] So the religious right who try and blackmail administrations with their religious point of view no longer have a leg to stand on. There’s not one religion on the face of this earth that will say Israel’s actions of depriving the Palestinians of their basic rights is right, it is evil. There can be no complacency with Israel’s actions any longer. There can be no more excuses.

[1] Genesis 16

[2] Genesis 16:10

[3] John 16:16

[4] John 11:51-52

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