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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Trojan Horse

Written: 2/16/09

At the end of Black History Month this year, I marvel at the fact that the more things seem to change, they actually stay the same. Michael Steele, former Lt. Governor for Maryland has been given the honor of being the Chairman for the GOP. I’m sorry but when I hear GOP (Grand Ole Party), I hear racism. I know that’s a bit harsh but come on folks, no one can be so optimistic to think the GOP has changed its color; it has not. The only reason he was given this position is that he is the only African-American Republican well-known in this area.

Mr. Steele and all his Black Republican cronies may be rejoicing but again, there is a purpose in this madness and that is because President Obama is a Democrat and a Black man; they’re trying to keep up with the Jones’. The selection is disingenuous and for Michael Steele, Black Republicans and anyone else to think otherwise, the headiness of this faux power has scrambled brains. The GOP hasn’t changed its stripes or its ways, they didn’t want a Caucasian man going after President Obama because it could be perceived as being racist, so they get a “house Negro” to do their job for them. Can I remind folks of the sea of Caucasian faces that were occasionally dotted with a face of color during the ’08 Republican convention? What the GOP fails to realize is that citizens, across the board, of their own free will, elected President Obama not because of his ethnicity but because of his character and that has never been one of the Republicans’ forte. They are, to say the least, the most divisive, egotistical and self-serving group of people. Not to say that the Democrats do not engage in similar activities but the GOP has them beat on nastiness even though the GOP like to represent themselves as the group with “Christian/family values and patriotism”. Where are the Christian values in their behavior?

My mother used to say, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”. Many African-American citizens are not fooled by this move. One doesn’t need a college education to think and this race has been through enough to know when they’re being played. What has the GOP done for the Black race recently, if at all? They don’t fight for urban communities and its inhabitants; don’t fight for single moms and their kids. They’re the same group who has fought against DC having representation. Hey, they’ve even fought against women having financial equality in the workplace. Yes, if you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.

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