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Monday, February 8, 2010

Obnoxious Citizens

Written: 4/17/09

Ah, yes, April 15th, 2009, another day for the IRS, another day for procrastinators to scramble. What floored me though was watching both local and national news about the “tea party” being thrown by citizens who are tired of the bailouts of the banks and big companies and paying taxes. I found those protestors to be annoying.

It is most interesting that these protestors seem to be mostly middle-class and I have to agree that the idea that the GOP is behind it. Might I point out that these same protestors weren’t having a fit when Bush was wasting money on an ill-fated war or when Cheney and his cronies in Haliburton was ripping off their monies. The real purpose wasn’t about the bail-outs though, it’s because they’re afraid that President Obama is going to try and help the poor off the backs of those living within a certain income bracket and that to me, is obnoxious. These protestors and many like them across this nation have not been wise with their money. They’ve been living high off the hog, if you will and now that times are tight, they have to blame someone. It is quite interesting that those who should be protesting are the poor. They live a daily life of struggle, knowing that because of their socio-economics, their voices are not heard nor their lives and needs considered.

I’m quite sure we would find that at least 95% of the protestors consider themselves Christians but the Bible tells us that we should be content with what we have; JESUS even told us to “give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s ” regarding taxes. It is obnoxious to me that there are those televangelists preaching about financial prosperity when the Bible tells us not to focus on those things yet many of the poor will send monies in hoping and praying that maybe GOD will open the windows of heaven and make them rich. Having wealth is not a sin, mind you, but the Bible clearly states, “the love of money is the root of all evil ” and when you consider that people break laws and sometimes take lives to have it, is it not? Again, being prosperous is not a sin in itself but we will be held accountable to how we used the wealth. It’s one thing for secular entertainers to have more than one home, I personally think it’s disgusting and obnoxious, but when those who are preaching the Word of GOD live the same way, it’s troublesome. Why? Because one cannot live in two or three homes at one time and aren’t they supposed to lead by example? Again, these people are getting monies from the poor yet I don’t hear anyone of them preaching about being our brothers’ keeper. I don’t hear them preaching about helping those in need and I clearly remember CHRIST saying He would ask, “when I was hungry, did you feed me; when I was homeless, did you house me; when I was naked, did you clothe me? ” We have families across the nation where parents are not eating so that their children can eat. We have many families across the nation existing on hardly anything yet they work hard. The nation didn’t care about addressing this issue until the middle class started experiencing what the poor have always experienced.

We are an obnoxious nation because we want what we want when we want it. There are pets that live better than the poor, obnoxious. Greed demands that we protest for more pay, obnoxious. Greed demands that we have the best, obnoxious. Greed is why we have the poor whom we neglect, obnoxious. Greed demands that professional athletes and entertainers get exuberant pay while teachers barely make the cut, that’s beyond obnoxious. Greed demands that children are getting everything and anything their parents’ can afford thus creating a “me” society, that’s obnoxious. Until this nation’s citizens eat humble pie, they will be obnoxious.

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