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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Guess Who?

Written: 05/11/09

Although this article was written last year, the subject matter hasn’t changed one iota. I read an article in the Mother’s Day edition of the Washington Post regarding the Taliban and the havoc they’re trying to wreak in Pakistan. Then I heard snippets of Dick Cheney’s Q & A on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and you know what? His first name adequately describes him but not to digress, I do that so often. I have stated before and I will continue to reiterate the similarities between Muslim extremists and the "Christian"conservative right. Folks, it’s downright scary that these two groups want complete domination of not only their respective countries but also any other country they can get their greedy little claws into, not caring about who they hurt. It’s all about the power of control for them, not religion; religion is the umbrella that they use trying to persuade folks of their zeal. If you don’t believe me, let me count the ways:

1st: Both groups believe men and only men should have the power.

2nd: Both groups believe women have a “certain” place and should obey them.

3rd: Both groups, not being redundant here but it can’t be stressed enough, denies a woman the right to do with her body as she chooses.

4th: Both have a tendency of falling back on “religion” to make their point, although it is ALWAYS misguided.

5th: They both believe their way is the one and only way.

6th: All outside their realm of thinking are either infidels or socialist liberals.

7th: Both groups have no problem with starting a war, if need be, to flex their ideological muscles.

8th: Neither group has a problem with pointing fingers or throwing stones at their respective enemies.

9th: Both groups know how to weave a lie into their respective “religion” to garner more followers.

10th: Both groups know how to use fear to gain any form of control.

You may not agree with my observations but the reality is that the similarities cannot be denied. The only differences between them are the languages and their way of dressing. Any group of people who are quick to deny “free will” to anyone for any reason, is a group one must be cautious of following and a group that any government should keep an eye on. No form of democracy or religion should ever be used as a cloak for any groups of people to get their way. In this country, the government was established because the King of England was trying to force the citizens to do exactly what the conservatives are trying to re-create. Do we not have brains and common sense for ourselves? Are we really going to allow our “free will” to be denied because of fear? Christians know that “GOD has not given us the spirit of fear1" and so, knowing that, how can one say the conservatives really have a leg to stand on?

[1]2 Timothy 1:7

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