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Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Economy

I did not watch President Obama's first "State of the Union" on Wednesday,1/27/10, not because I dislike or disrespect him but my life, my world is not dependent on any flesh and blood so that I'm not freaking out as so many fellow citizens are regarding the economy. I and many other citizens are economically challenged but we're not the ones freaking and if anyone has a right to do so, it would be, should be us. Poverty is not a choice, neither is laziness the reason behind poverty, although for some it is the main criteria. However, this is not a modern day issue, if one reads the Book of Acts, in the Bible, you'll find that there were those among the followers of Jesus Christ lived in poverty and those who had shared with those who did not but I let me get back on track.

All these citizens who are now complaining, where were they in the eight years Bush was running this country into debt? Obama is not a deity that he can erase in one year what it took eight years to screw up. All you whiners, especially the "tea" party folks, need a refresher on the economy. Do remember that when Bush inherited the position, this country was in a surplus and it was no accident. After two terms, eight years of Ronald Reagan and one term, four years of Daddy Bush, this country was bleeding, for lack of a politically correct terminology, an unstoppable menstrual cycle. It took Bill Clinton, a Democrat, two terms, eight years to stop the bleeding and stabilize the economy. So when GW moved into the White House, there was a surplus, we were in the black. Some use the 9/11 incident to justify Bush gutting the pig until it bled dry but he didn't stop there. After listing China as a county within the "axis of evil", he started borrowing money, so now we are indebted to a country his own party despises.

What is wrong with you people? Don't you realize that you are not just part of the problem but the problems as well. Many of you have bought children cell phones with amenities when it should be used for emergencies only but no, you go into debt trying to keep up with the Joneses for your adult ego as well as your childrens'. We wouldn't want them to learn about hard work or about earning what they want, would we? Many of you live beyond your means to be accepted, to be placed into a certain bracket in society. Money is not evil, it's the love of money and for many of you, it's an addiction, no common sense at all.

So before you continue to bad-mouth an honorable man when you did not do that to one who had less integrity, wash out your mouth with soap and as the Bible tells you, "be content", be thankful.

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