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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Ethical Egoist

I so enjoy going to school and learning new things, my current class is ‘Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility’ and I am learning about ethics and its different levels of theories. One that I found most interesting is the term ethical egoism, which is the view that all human behavior being regarded as done in the self-interest of the individual person to satisfy that person’s goals and desires.

Politicians, especially Republicans, are shameless in this manner but there is one, who has finessed the expertise of being an ethical egoist. You know who she is, the one who quit her job of taking care of her state’s citizens so that she could wallow in the national spotlight, one way or another; none other than the grand dame of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin.

On Thanksgiving as I was perusing the internet, I came across an article about Sarah Palin[1] . What piqued my curiosity was the headline but as I continued on, I became a little irritated that she had the nerve to say anything about Michelle Obama, who could most likely beat Sarah Palin in a round of Jeopardy. Gee, would it not be interesting and entertaining? Anyway, Palin goes on to comment on Mrs. Obama’s initiative on obesity stating that Mrs. Obama’s stance is saying “that parents can’t be trusted to make decisions for their own children” and completes this with “allow us to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions.” Before I start my rant, has she not seen some of the nation’s children? When a toddler weighs as much as 10 year old, yeah, I would say there is a problem and some of these parents are not doing their due diligence as parents. Okay, now my rant begins, this is from a woman who wants to deny the rights of other women to have an abortion if they choose to, a woman who does not seem to understand equal rights, freedom of speech, or the Constitution. She, who uses the platform of religion like a wand, waving it around to use at her whim and fancy not for the betterment of society but for her own personal gain. She wants to force ecclesiastical religion upon the nation meaning there would be no separation of church and state, bringing us back to the very reason the Pilgrims fled England. If one did not agree with her and her cronies, it would be similar to the Salem Witch Hunts. With no separation of church and state, she would create an environment similar to the one extremists of any religion has created, one of fear and subjugation. It is not the foundation this nation was built upon; nor is it the reason so many have died in battle to ensure our continued freedom of rights, from the Boston Tea Party to our current battles with religious extremists of another religion. No established politician or journalist will ask the question of what makes her way different from those of the Taliban or Al Qaeda. They both want to use religion as a tool of control and they want to dictate how people should live according to their rule.

What is troubling, correction, disturbing, are the minions that are actually eating up everything this person says. She has become more or less, a demigod, with her followers supporting all things Palin, Dancing with the Stars is a prime example. Bristol Palin would never had made it as far as she did without her mother’s supporters, she could not dance and truly not better than Brandy. She is so confident in her kingdom that she could respond to Barbara Bush’s statement of Palin “staying in Alaska”. Her ego is similar to a balloon filled with air, eventually the balloon pops, or it loses its air. What goes up must come down.

13 December 2010

[1] Brian Montopoli, Palin Calling Barbara and George Bush Bluebloods, www.cbsnews.com

Friday, August 20, 2010

Crystal Clear Contrasts

My objective is to dispel some of the claims of one party [Republicans] and to acknowledge the ethos of the other [Democrats]. It is quite interesting in the evolution of the Republican Party since it was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves from the physical form of slavery. Fast forward to the 21st century and the Republicans are not ones to suffer the poor and the weak. From the start of the 20th century, Democrats have always made attempts for social justice and social change; sometimes to the detriment of the party and its candidates.

In “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts” an essay by Bruce Catton, he wrote [of Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee] that “they represented the strengths of two conflicting currents”[1] and that is a fair assessment to describe the two major political parties. As Catton’s article is so symbolic in the contrasts, I will expound the contrasts of the two parties by incorporating his essay.

Catton referred to Lee as “the Virginia aristocrat” who “lived in a static society which could endure almost anything except change.” The essay shares that “Lee stood for the feeling that it was somehow of advantage to human society to have a pronounced inequality in the social structure.” This is the ideology of the Republican Party, what they are itching to revert the country back to. In their championing for Wall Street, the oil industry, for war, and the wealthiest Americans they have laid their cards on the table. In the disclosure of Representative John Boehner’s golfing excursions, we get a minute glimpse of the Republicans’ insatiable appetite for the finer things in life. Money and power are the twin offsprings of greed and the focus of the Republicans. Republicans do not care for change, especially when it allows those they perceive as inferior to being given the opportunities to be on equal footing. Republicans, like Lee, prefer the genteel life; the life led by many in the South prior to the emancipation. A time when white men were the power, a time when women, Blacks, and other minorities ‘had their place’ and the men answered to no one for their actions.

The fact that they allow minorities and women to actively participate within the party was a bitter pill for them to swallow and not really what they want for their party, however, to deny these groups would surely cost them at the polls. This arrangement is akin to a shotgun wedding. Notice how hard they fight against anything that would benefit the poor and minorities, albeit the majority of the poor are African-Americans as seen in the aftermath of catastrophic Katrina.

Catton referred to Grant as the “Westerner” who “would fight with an equal tenacity for the broader concept of society.” Catton also wrote that from Grant’s perspective “no man was born to anything, except perhaps to a chance to show how far he could rise.” This is what the Democrats fight for; this is what they believe. The Democrats feel that every citizen within this great nation should have the opportunity, the right for the pursuit of happiness and their dreams, the very meaning of democracy and what Grant fought for.

The Democrats understand, like the creators of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”[2] Democrats realizes that being poor does not mean one is not intelligent, that one just need the opportunity to climb out of that economical black hole. Democrats realize that making social changes are steps to guaranteeing equality to every citizen, to right a wrong that has been perpetrated for far too long. Democrats know that in equality comes strength for the nation but they also realize to reverse in any manner or remain stagnate would only un-ravel the basis of democracy and this country. Democrats, as Harry Truman did [President Truman enacted Executive Order Number 9981 to integrate the military in 1948], realized that when the under-served is given an opportunity, they will indeed rise to the occasion as in World War II and the Tuskegee Airmen. Although these Black men were treated immorally, they persisted and learned how to fly and when given the chance, they dis-proved the myths of racism and bias.[3] This is what the Democrats understand and this is why this party is truly for the people as the Democrats know with inclusion comes unity and strength for the nation.

The Republicans are ambiguous as the Democrats are critical thinkers. The ambiguous have no clear direction to move the country forward; they are too busy missing the good ole days. They are consumed with the power and fringe benefits of being a politician. The critical thinkers have ideas of how to move the country forward but they need clear-headed Americans to climb on board. They know that if the poor and middle class have the resources and opportunities, they could and would move forward which betters our society. With available resources and opportunities socio-economics would broaden and cut out some of the root causes of societal ills. Critical thinkers sometimes butt heads with each other while the ambiguous stick to the party line which is a quote attributed to Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake.”[4]

“Grant was the modern man emerging (Catton)”, so is the Democratic Party; a party full of diversity and the true representation of American society. Meanwhile, the Republicans, like Lee, “might have ridden down from the old age (Catton)”. With no ideas for bringing the nation together and moving forward, they play upon the fears and suspicions of a group of the citizenry using abstract generalizations thus creating wider racial and economic divisions and contributing to the breakdown of our great nation. While the Democrats have insights for our national direction and in the global community, the Republicans are intangible, only knowing that they want to be in power, nothing else matters. Their very behavior is and of itself immoral. Although the Republicans strut like peacocks exclaiming their claims of patriotism and religious morals; their very actions is incongruous to the very ideals they claim to follow. The Democrats have shown by their actions that they are the party that understands the definition of democracy. They have shown by their deeds for the poor of our country that they are far more moral than many give them credit for. How appropriate that the group that embodies all that we hope for, indeed, all that we strive for; to be better than we are; the group who embodies what was fought for in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War are called Democrats.

I hope that I have adequately and objectively addressed the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. We all desire a more united country but this can only be achieved by supporting the party who will attempt to level the playing field so that those living in pockets of poverty will have the resources and opportunities afforded to other segments of our society. The responsibility of a politician is to fight for those who have no power; to fairly represent every constituent not just those who can contribute to a campaign. The establishment of the first government within this nation was to protect the citizens from the heavy, unfair, and unjust rule of the British king; to protect the individual right to live a decent life and to be a contributing member of society. Ideology is nice, however, if it interferes with the laws upon which the government and indeed this nation, was built upon, then the lives given for these freedoms would have been in vain. There is indeed a clear difference between the Democrats and Republicans and while neither is infallible, it is imperative for each and every one of us to realize that actions do speak louder than words. We cannot leave it up to politicians alone for the betterment of our country but we should elect those who endeavor to unite us as a nation, not use our fears to tear us apart thus tearing the nation apart.

In conclusion, as a very flawed Born-again Christian, I vote for those who will take care of those Jesus Christ associated with ‘the least of these’, the very ones the Pharisees and Sadducees [Republicans of Jesus’ time] refused to acknowledge. For all of you who vote Republican because of their ideology remember this, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ.”[5] Jesus was most explicit when He said to the disciples, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”[6] Following the Republicans does not guarantee one the key to heaven especially if you cannot answer these questions: When I was hungry, did you feed Me? When I was thirsty, did you give Me drink? When I was a stranger, did you take Me in? When I was naked, did you clothe Me? When I was sick, did you visit Me? When I was in prison, did you come to Me? Assuredly, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.”[7] No flesh and blood can ‘represent your values’ if your faith is based in the truth of Jesus Christ, anything more than that is hypocrisy. The Republicans show no mercy, no compassion for the least of these. Remember, Jesus took this treatment personally, He said, “you did not do it to ME”, how can one not understand that? My personal faith is not in the Democratic Party but I know that they will help “the least of these” and their actions represent more compassion, more mercy than the Republicans have ever shown. For those of you still caught up in the ‘WWJD’, He has not only shown us, He told us, “Whatever you do [or not] to the least of these, you do to Him.” Is this not crystal clear?


Catton, Bruce. “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts.” The American Story. Ed. Garet

Garrett. Chicago, Regenery, 1955. Margie Waguespeck’s Webpage. 26

November 2003. Amarillo College Website. 4 January 2004.

Retrieved August 19, 2010 from



[3] Tuskegee Airmen History, http://www.tuskegeeairmen.org/

[5] Colossians 2:8

[6] Luke 12:1

[7] Matthew 25:32-46

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Ghost of Rhetoric Past

The immigration rhetoric of the last couple of months has been most troubling as it hones in on a certain group of our citizenry. Yes, there are many undocumented citizens here and it is a violation of our laws but it is only Hispanics at the heart of this issue as they are more identifiable and easy targets.

The radar is bleeping at full blast but only a few seem to hear it. Calling all citizens of different faiths and with a heartbeat; wipe the sleep from your eyes and the cobwebs from your brains, as we are on the precipice of something vile. A repetition of an event that did not take place in this nation, albeit the internment of Japanese-Americans was immoral, as there were no internments of German-Americans during World War II; this event was beyond what any socially advanced nation would willingly embrace. I am speaking of Adolph Hitler, his rise to power through his rhetoric and the aftermath of that rise.

Rhetoric is defined as ‘artificial eloquence; language that is showy and elaborate but largely empty of clear ideas or sincere emotion.’[1] Merriam-Webster defines rhetoric as ‘2 a: skill in the effective use of speech, b: a type or mode of language or speech; also: insincere or grandiloquent language.’[2] The purpose of sharing the definition is for understanding as I share this bit of information, “An important part of context is audience: “Rhetoric is never about discourse in the abstract; it is always concerned with directing one's words with specific intentions towards specific audiences…All rhetorically oriented discourse is composed in light of those who will hear or read that discourse.” As an example of rhetorical analysis focusing on context, Burton[3] writes about Hitler’s rhetoric: Germany of post-World War I was demoralized and disorganized. Adolph Hitler's rhetoric was successful not only because of his personal charisma and his mastery of delivery, but because he spoke at the right time: the German people wanted a way out of its economic morass and its cultural shame, and Hitler provided them both with his strong, nationalistic oratory. Had Germany been doing better economically, Hitler's words would have bounced harmlessly off the air.”[4]

Have we forgotten the images of Hitler’s hate? I realize that things may not go this far but again, where is the outcry? We all agree that immigration reform needs to be addressed as a nation but the GOP should remember that when President Bush attempted to do so, they went against him so this is only political fodder to kick around to obtain votes. The rhetoric has become too potent with hate disguised as innuendos of patriotism, discriminating against a group as Hitler did. The GOP and Tea Party are utilizing our current economic situation which was actually brought about because the Republicans championed giving big businesses more power via less restrictions, who in turn have exported American jobs. Notice the quoted article states, “directing one’s words with specific intentions towards specific audiences”. In one of my posts, I discussed the political purpose of uneducated poor whites who are one of the specific audiences, while the racists among us, across the board as there are those with melanin who practice reverse racism, is another specific audience. Well stated is this quote by Plato when he said that, “Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.”[5] Within this current political atmosphere, one does not have to have a charming personality, just the ability to tweak the ignorance, fears, and hatred of their specific, targeted audiences.

The most interesting thing is on the rhetorical front, these hatemongers do not realize that in essence, we are all here illegally as the Native Americans where here first. Whether or not an established government existed, there was a nation of people in existence on this massive plot of land when the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock. The land was stolen from Native Americans to establish said government. We are a nation of immigrants, as there is only one group of citizenry entitled ‘Native Americans’ and legally and morally, only they have any real claim. Honestly, if something is stolen can one then claim it for ownership? If something is taken through deceit and murder, can one still claim it as such? In our established laws of democracy, one cannot take what is not theirs by any means to claim it as their own.

It does not matter one’s race, ethnicity, sexual preferences, gender, spiritual/religious beliefs, or socioeconomics; we are all human beings first and foremost. Edmund Burke said, “All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing”[6] and although there were many who helped the Jews, it was only after the fact; let us not wait until things are out of control. These hatemongers are now going after babies and children born within this nation. How low can they go when they want to change the 14th Amendment just to deprive babies and children the very same right of a somewhat decent life? Yes, the undocumented citizens are breaking the law of man yet we break the laws of our faiths each and every day, is there not forgiveness? Is there not atonement or healing? The majority of these people just want a better life and sometimes the way to that takes far too long. Let us stand on the side of humanity.

[1] http://www.yourdictionary.com/rhetoric Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed. 2nd definition

[2] http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rhetoric

[3] Dr Gideon Burton of Brigham Young University,

[4] http://www.diplomacy.edu/Language/Rhetoric/analysing.htm

[5] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/p/plato159589.html

[6] http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/29

Their Just Desserts

"NAIROBI, Kenya -Kenyan police on Tuesday arrested three top politicians for hate speech they allegedly made during rallies against a draft constitution, days after a separate rally turned deadly when grenade attacks killed six people. Authorities arrested an assistant government minister and two members of parliament who police say made hate speech as they campaigned separately against the draft constitution in rallies across the country."[1]

When I read this my mind wandered and imagined those within our population who are also spewing lies and hate being arrested being tried and imprisoned. Of course, this would not happen as it is one of the many lies they have been telling their seemingly mindless band of followers and it would make martyrs out of them, definitely not needed.

On Wednesday, 16 June 2010, I watched MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews” who did a special about the hatemongers among us entitled ‘The Rise of the New Right’.[2] Initially I didn’t want to watch it for fear I would pop a blood vessel due to the unmitigated lies being spoken in the guise of facts and truths but I gave in to my political curiosity and caught 45 minutes of the program. One of their favorite phrases is either “taking our country back” or “take back our country”, but I did not realize our country had gone anywhere, did you? Although I have never agreed with Ronald Reagan’s policies, I find some of his quotes notable and one goes, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.”[3] How true that is. One does not have to agree with the other party or each other but we must realize that once the fabric upon which our government was established on starts to unravel, we do not have to worry about the enemies from outside this nation for we already have enemies within; to paraphrase an adage, ‘with citizens like these, we don’t need enemies.’ As I aforementioned, these citizens pollute the airwaves and assault the brains with their version of the truth, regurgitating the lies and mis-information; for all intent and purposes, aptly described in this quote by Henry Brooks Adams who stated, “Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.”[4] The fact is they are racists, even those among them who have melanin in their pigments, practicing what is known as reverse racism. Their hatred of President Obama goes beyond any rational boundaries which borders, from my perspective, on insanity. Every time they open their mouths, one has to do a double take. They said what? It is incredulous beyond the reasoning of a sane human being. The GOP and the Tea Party factions should be reminded to hold to this quote of Abraham Lincoln that says, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”[5]

These wolves in sheep’s clothing are also the little boy who falsely cried wolf. This loony band of political citizenry would do well to actually heed John Adams’ quote that “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”[6] However, one day, they will get their just desserts, as one cannot put out so much negative into the universe without ramifications and just like a boomerang, it goes back to the one who threw it. They would indeed be getting their just desserts.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unfair, Unequal and Unjust (Public Education System)

I just finished watching the movie ‘Freedom Writers’ (Paramount, 2007) with Hilary Swank and I cried. This movie is based on the experience of Erin Gruwell and her students in Long Beach, California. I cried because I was happy about their success, I cried because I was sad for all those students who would never have the opportunity to have a teacher like Ms. Gruwell; but most depressing is that I cried because so many of our children will not have a fair or equal education.

President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact” [1]. This is the truth of the public school system within our nation but race is not the only impediment, economics is also a variable affecting a child’s education. In rural and urban communities across this nation, children are being deprived of the opportunity for a better life by receiving the best education this nation can offer. The history of this nation is that those in power, no need to elaborate, denied Blacks from any form of education and poor whites, a limited amount and it continues to this day. However, there is a method in this madness. In denying Blacks/Hispanics a more fair and equal education, it guarantees a lower class and urban communities to which certain groups are relegated. Society will only accept a quotient of middle and upper class Blacks/Hispanics but to allow anything beyond that to equal the rank and file would put those with the power at a disadvantage. As stated in another article, consider the intelligence it takes to run an illegal organization like a well-oiled machine as Rayful Edmond did. “At his peak, he sold 2,000 kilos a week, reaped gross profits of $70 million a month and ran an operation with over 150 soldiers to support him”[2]. There would have been challenges to the status quo if Rayful had been adequately educated and his mental abilities were used for legitimate means. Poor whites also fall into the lower class category but they are also political tools. With poor whites, politicians can play on their ignorance and/or fear of race and religion. If one does not know the truth, one will believe someone who looks like them and this goes for every race and ethnicity. Unfortunately there are citizens within our nation who desires to keep this imbalance, if not, their power is lost. This statement may sound absurd but it is not far-fetched.

The other component to this is the teachers. In this movie, as in all movies, is the antagonist. This antagonist is a “tenured” teacher jealous of the strides Ms. Gruwell’s students had made; she felt these students were un-teachable hoodlums who would not amount to much. Ms. Gruwell saw the potential in her students and she genuinely cared about them. While we have heard or read stories of teachers with the same gifts as Ms. Gruwell, inspiring their students to go beyond the stereotype, there far too are many antagonistic teachers and it is these teachers we need to rid the system of. These individuals are more concerned about their positions of power over the students and tenure than they are about the goal, which is to empower the students with knowledge to change their lives. I am reminded of the movie ‘Stand and Deliver’ (1988) with Edward James Olmos[3]. This movie is about another fine teacher, Jaime Escalante who taught his students calculus, they passed the test but school officials were suspicious because these students were from the barrio, so they were forced to re-take the test and again, they passed. Teaching is an honored profession but it deals with human beings and as such biases, political and personal views and opinions should not endanger what is being taught. If one is a science teacher, that is what is to be taught, it does not matter what one’s personal beliefs are. Teachers are entrusted with our children, therefore their position is a fiduciary one, however, society may have to re-think how to process who is a worthy teacher.

The working poor contributes in paying taxes yet their children are receiving a less than stellar education. Why is that and why are their taxes going elsewhere and not into their neighborhoods and schools? These children come from poor families and neighborhoods but that does not make them incapable of learning and achieving if given the opportunity. It has been proven far too many times. We wonder why it is that nations not on our level have students that outrank our students. It is because of the unfair, unequal and unjust manner that public education is addressed. Monies and personnel are not distributed equally or fairly to schools in urban and rural communities thus our nation will only suffer from it. The educational imbalance only ensures instability within our society as the disadvantaged will use any means necessary to get what they need and want. The educational imbalance ensures the disintegration of our nation. It will not matter how powerful our military is, how advanced we are, if our citizenry is not educated on a level befitting our nation. Our society will crumble in the face of a more worthy adversary. America, where is the compassion, the empathy? Are we to sit by and allow this injustice to continue? Do we not have a voice, do we not, as a collective, have the power? Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends”[4]. Charity really does start at home.

[1] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/education_6.html

[2] The Life of Rayful Edmond –Plot Summary: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1220567/plotsummary

[4] Benjamin Disraeli, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/education_5.html

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Racism has never left this nation, the power it had before the signing of the Civil Rights Act slithered into the dark recesses of society waiting to once more profane society with its dogmatic perspective. It lurked in the darkness waiting for someone to infuse it back into the mainstream of our society.

During the presidential campaign, we sniffed in the air rhetoric that sounded familiar but many of us shook our collective heads saying no, this is the 21st century; we are misconstruing what we hear. Upon the election of the first African-American president, the euphoria for many of us was mind-boggling, we assumed we had cleared a most negative reflection of our nation but we were wrong. The poisonous and insidious words started with an egregious remark by Rush Limbaugh “wishing that Obama fails” before Barack Obama took the oath of office. The president and the rest of us soon realized the stench we smelled in the air was indeed the foul stench of racism. Its purpose is dichotomy; to divide until its putrid stench is within every nook and cranny of society.

There are some among the citizenry who have valid misconceptions due to what they were taught as children and what permeates from the dark underbelly of hatred. The hatemongers within this nation have used the misconceptions to make generalized statements thus compounding the fears of those who are ignorant to the truth. Those who started the first established government within this nation realized that slaves were indeed human beings, not human chattels, this is why in the creation of The Constitution, Amendment XIII, “Abolition of slavery”, states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” In Amendment XV, it states, “The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Although these hatemongers love to cling to The Constitution, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the heritage of slavery is just that, a heritage. It should not be assumed that the descendants of former slaves are less than another human being or another race. Thomas Jefferson recognized this when he wrote in The Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self evident that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”[1] What many may not be aware of is the fact that he got the idea of this from The Virginia Declaration of Rights written by George Mason that states in Section 1, “That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights.”[2] One cannot hold against another the ugliness of their history without acknowledging their own.

As a nation of “alleged” Christians, racism should have no place among our midst. The duplicitous act of the person who shared the edited tape of Mrs. Sherrod, saying his name gives him more credibility than he deserves, should really be an invitation for each and every citizen to examine themselves before they dare scrutinize another. “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”[3] This incident, albeit unfortunate, has a silver lining if we are willing to look deep within and realize, as Mrs. Sherrod did, “if you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure.”[4]

Let us consider on how much better, how much stronger we could be as a nation if we reflected on these four truths. The first, “So GOD created man in His own image”[5]; the second “GOD is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”[6]; the third “In truth, I perceive that GOD shows no partiality”[7]; and the fourth “We ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD.”[8]

[3] Matthew 7: 1&2; New King James Version

[5] Genesis 1:27, New King James Version

[6] John 4:24, New King James Version

[7] Acts 10:34, New King James Version

[8] Romans 3:23, New King James Version

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Since the start of this administration, the hatemongers have been working hard to cast their racism upon and into it. Racism is not the only foul stench emanating from these people who seem to have lost their collective minds, the hate literally has them foaming at the mouth.

The current political atmosphere reminds one of those early years on the playground with the bullies picking on the kids who could not or would not fight for themselves. These bullies were usually the “popular” kids, who thought the world revolved around them. As much as the former administration was disliked, no liberal interrupted President Bush as he spoke from the senate floor. No liberal was blatant enough to voice their hopes of President Bush’s failure even though many thought it. Racism, in and of itself, is a powerful weapon as it is fear based on myths; it is fear based on the unknown; it is fear based on misconceptions. Hate is also a powerful weapon but the root of hate is a nameless, mindless and careless entity bent on destruction. Hate has no sanity to it, no rationale. Hate does not care about the truth or the right and wrong of a thing, it is blind beyond anything the human mind can comprehend. So, when one combines racism and hate it is tantamount to a nuclear weapon. Once unleashed, the damage is devastating, the pain is deep, and the fallout is far-reaching and deadly.

During the campaign this pitifully rancid group, used his acquaintance with two persons who spoke against some of the policies of this nation, albeit one served this country not only in one branch of the military, but two. Last year when a renowned Black college professor was arrested due to mis-communications and over-reaction from those involved, our president entered the foray and spoke from the aspect of being a man of color. Although he brought the parties together for a beer in the garden to do some healing; the rabid dogmatic rants became frenzied and flurried attacks of racism against Mr. Obama. In the arena of race-baiting, this administration is being controlled in a similar fashion to how Pavlov trained the dogs. Last year, Van Jones fell victim and resigned due to the shenanigans of this rancid group of citizens and they have done it again. President Obama is once again between a rock and a hard place. Andrew Breitbart, who assisted in the de-mantling of the group ACORN, has caused an older Black woman, Shirley Sherrod, to lose her job under the guise of “evening the charge of the NAACP that there is racism within the Tea Party movement”. Mr. Breitbart posted an edited clip of Mrs. Sherrod and by her own words it could lead one to assume that she practiced racism. The edited clip started the political and media firestorm that caused the Department of Agriculture to fire Mrs. Sherrod. The responsible thing would have and should have been to view the entire content of the clip, which addresses healing, before making any hasty decisions, but if there had been hesitation, this rancid group and their supporters would have felt smug in their vitriolic rants that President Obama is a racist. An interesting thing is during the Bush administration; Karl Rove kept his job despite the many calls from liberals for his removal. The only person to leave under pressure was former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and that occurred after a few years.

The most pitiful thing in all of this is the fact that this rancid group claims a religion that advocates peace, loving one’s neighbors and enemies, and doing what is right for the least. To be angry with or even hate this group is a waste of emotion. They do not realize that they are doing more harm than good, re-opening the wounds of this country, that although not completely healed, the scab was forming. If they truly followed their religion, they would know that the religion is about unity not division. This rancid group’s behavior is visceral and they are unraveling the great strides this country has achieved for cohesiveness. With their conduct, what they fail to realize is that, “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”.[1]

[1] Edmund Hillary ThinkExist.com Quotations Online 1 Jun. 2010. 21 Jul. 2010