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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Their Just Desserts

"NAIROBI, Kenya -Kenyan police on Tuesday arrested three top politicians for hate speech they allegedly made during rallies against a draft constitution, days after a separate rally turned deadly when grenade attacks killed six people. Authorities arrested an assistant government minister and two members of parliament who police say made hate speech as they campaigned separately against the draft constitution in rallies across the country."[1]

When I read this my mind wandered and imagined those within our population who are also spewing lies and hate being arrested being tried and imprisoned. Of course, this would not happen as it is one of the many lies they have been telling their seemingly mindless band of followers and it would make martyrs out of them, definitely not needed.

On Wednesday, 16 June 2010, I watched MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews” who did a special about the hatemongers among us entitled ‘The Rise of the New Right’.[2] Initially I didn’t want to watch it for fear I would pop a blood vessel due to the unmitigated lies being spoken in the guise of facts and truths but I gave in to my political curiosity and caught 45 minutes of the program. One of their favorite phrases is either “taking our country back” or “take back our country”, but I did not realize our country had gone anywhere, did you? Although I have never agreed with Ronald Reagan’s policies, I find some of his quotes notable and one goes, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.”[3] How true that is. One does not have to agree with the other party or each other but we must realize that once the fabric upon which our government was established on starts to unravel, we do not have to worry about the enemies from outside this nation for we already have enemies within; to paraphrase an adage, ‘with citizens like these, we don’t need enemies.’ As I aforementioned, these citizens pollute the airwaves and assault the brains with their version of the truth, regurgitating the lies and mis-information; for all intent and purposes, aptly described in this quote by Henry Brooks Adams who stated, “Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.”[4] The fact is they are racists, even those among them who have melanin in their pigments, practicing what is known as reverse racism. Their hatred of President Obama goes beyond any rational boundaries which borders, from my perspective, on insanity. Every time they open their mouths, one has to do a double take. They said what? It is incredulous beyond the reasoning of a sane human being. The GOP and the Tea Party factions should be reminded to hold to this quote of Abraham Lincoln that says, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”[5]

These wolves in sheep’s clothing are also the little boy who falsely cried wolf. This loony band of political citizenry would do well to actually heed John Adams’ quote that “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”[6] However, one day, they will get their just desserts, as one cannot put out so much negative into the universe without ramifications and just like a boomerang, it goes back to the one who threw it. They would indeed be getting their just desserts.

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