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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Ethical Egoist

I so enjoy going to school and learning new things, my current class is ‘Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility’ and I am learning about ethics and its different levels of theories. One that I found most interesting is the term ethical egoism, which is the view that all human behavior being regarded as done in the self-interest of the individual person to satisfy that person’s goals and desires.

Politicians, especially Republicans, are shameless in this manner but there is one, who has finessed the expertise of being an ethical egoist. You know who she is, the one who quit her job of taking care of her state’s citizens so that she could wallow in the national spotlight, one way or another; none other than the grand dame of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin.

On Thanksgiving as I was perusing the internet, I came across an article about Sarah Palin[1] . What piqued my curiosity was the headline but as I continued on, I became a little irritated that she had the nerve to say anything about Michelle Obama, who could most likely beat Sarah Palin in a round of Jeopardy. Gee, would it not be interesting and entertaining? Anyway, Palin goes on to comment on Mrs. Obama’s initiative on obesity stating that Mrs. Obama’s stance is saying “that parents can’t be trusted to make decisions for their own children” and completes this with “allow us to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions.” Before I start my rant, has she not seen some of the nation’s children? When a toddler weighs as much as 10 year old, yeah, I would say there is a problem and some of these parents are not doing their due diligence as parents. Okay, now my rant begins, this is from a woman who wants to deny the rights of other women to have an abortion if they choose to, a woman who does not seem to understand equal rights, freedom of speech, or the Constitution. She, who uses the platform of religion like a wand, waving it around to use at her whim and fancy not for the betterment of society but for her own personal gain. She wants to force ecclesiastical religion upon the nation meaning there would be no separation of church and state, bringing us back to the very reason the Pilgrims fled England. If one did not agree with her and her cronies, it would be similar to the Salem Witch Hunts. With no separation of church and state, she would create an environment similar to the one extremists of any religion has created, one of fear and subjugation. It is not the foundation this nation was built upon; nor is it the reason so many have died in battle to ensure our continued freedom of rights, from the Boston Tea Party to our current battles with religious extremists of another religion. No established politician or journalist will ask the question of what makes her way different from those of the Taliban or Al Qaeda. They both want to use religion as a tool of control and they want to dictate how people should live according to their rule.

What is troubling, correction, disturbing, are the minions that are actually eating up everything this person says. She has become more or less, a demigod, with her followers supporting all things Palin, Dancing with the Stars is a prime example. Bristol Palin would never had made it as far as she did without her mother’s supporters, she could not dance and truly not better than Brandy. She is so confident in her kingdom that she could respond to Barbara Bush’s statement of Palin “staying in Alaska”. Her ego is similar to a balloon filled with air, eventually the balloon pops, or it loses its air. What goes up must come down.

13 December 2010

[1] Brian Montopoli, Palin Calling Barbara and George Bush Bluebloods, www.cbsnews.com

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