fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
America, we sit and
listen to the inane remarks of some of the Republican candidates and laugh. We
post on Facebook and we joke about the [seemingly] lack of mental capacity they
and their followers have. At the end of
the day, we are laughing at what has been dubbed “the clown car”, but America,
we are in danger.
Have you not been paying
attention to what has happened and is happening in states that Republicans control?
We know that they have started and continue to take away voting rights of our
fellow citizens and the rights of women to make decisions for their own body.
Are these things funny? Let me explain
what kind of danger we’re in especially since their M.O. (modus operandi) is
too frigging close to that of Hitler.
First, the regurgitated
lies. Hitler said “Make the lie big,
make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.” Yes, they
have done that with great success. Many Democrats are now calling themselves “Progressives”
because the GOP has tarnished the term “Liberal”. Many of us don’t have the backbone to embrace
being a “Liberal” despite the many positive accomplishments for our country by
the Liberal way of being. I am not one;
I am a Liberal and very blessed to be one.
That’s only one lie, there is so many I would need more pages to cover
them all. Another well-known lie is that the government is too big when it
comes to helping citizens that need help.
However, they don’t have a problem when their owners [big corporations]
want legislation that benefits them.
[Former] Defense Sec. William Cohen said it well “Government is the
enemy until you need a friend” and we all know that many Republicans made it to
where they are via the same federal government they are attempting to destroy.
Second, Hitler said “All
propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension
of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” Republicans have this covered like white on
rice and we make fun of their supporters.
One of their propaganda is the gun rights issue and their alleged 2nd
Amendment right. Albeit said Amendment
speaks of a “well-regulated Militia” per state and that well-regulated militia
is called the National Guards. The NRA
and their Republican flunkies have spun this propaganda as expertly as a spider
spins a web. Their greatest propaganda is racism and those who believe it are truly
less intelligent but this is applicable to those with degrees as well. This
propaganda is also entrenched in the third M.O.
Third, Hitler said “Hate
is more lasting than dislike.” Racism
never left, it just lurked in the deep dark recesses of our society until the
election of Barack H. Obama and then it exploded like the bursting of a sewage
drain. We’ve all heard it and seen it. Many
citizens were taken aback by it but for those who live it every day, there was
no surprise. The putrid verbal onslaught
against our President is beyond vile. The bloviators, Black and White, did not
leave it only to his policies; they went after the man and his family. Demanding
from him to “prove” who he is; something no other President has had to do. They took it to the extreme by (1) inviting a
man just as hateful, to speak before Congress; (2) writing a letter to Iran in
an attempt to undermine our President; and finally, how can we forget the
infamous words of Senator Mitch McConnell that their only job was to make him a
one term President. While they did not succeed on that aspect, they have
succeeded in blocking the many good things he wanted, needed to do for this
country and its citizens.
Fourth, Hitler said “As a
Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to
be a fighter for truth and justice.”
This evil man, who murdered thousands, had the audacity to say this yet
we hear and see Republicans following this pattern. Republicans follow their own interpretation of
Christianity and not as it was intended. I found it interesting that [former] Speaker
John Boehner spoke of “false prophets” (Matthew 7:15-16), as one who knew best
yet Christian conservatives paid no heed to his words. The issue of religion and Republicans is that
“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish
[or Islam] appear to me no other than Human inventions set up to terrify and
enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit” (Thomas Paine). Republicans have nullified the 1st
Amendment and we let them.
America, if we want
change it starts with us: “We, the people”.
A revolution means nothing if we don’t get off our derrières, as a
collective, and say “enough”. “If
everyone howled at every injustice, every act of barbarism, every act of
unkindness; then we would be taking the first step towards a real humanity”
(Nelson DeMille). This is what we need to, have to do in order to change what
is going on in our country. Why do Republican supporters have more
determination than Democrats {Liberals and Progressives}? At the end of WWII,
many German citizens said they did not know what was happening to Jews. We know
what’s happening yet we laugh. Are we truly prepared for what may be coming? Far too many have died for minorities, women,
the disabled and the poor. Are we going to allow Republicans to erase it all?
“The only thing necessary for the
triumph of evil is for good men [people] to do nothing” (Edmund Burke).
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