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Thursday, July 31, 2014

An Open Letter to P.M. Netanyahu

Dear Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

You don’t know me and you never will but then again, you would not want to because my skin is darker than you are comfortable with.  I saw how you disrespected President Obama and that told me what kind of person you are.  Not a leader or a man, mind you, because a good leader would acknowledge his/her flaws; neither would a good leader stoop to the level of those who hate them; a good leader would rise above it.

I wanted to ask you, what does it feel like to be a murderer and a liar?  How does it feel to maliciously bomb those innocent children, women and the elderly who cannot fight back?  I mean, come on, do you really believe that everyone in the international community actually swallow your version?  I am not a military person and have never fought but even when your conservative buddy, former President George W. Bush and  his crew lied to invade Iraq; at least he put  boots on the ground to actually combat.  I mean, if your “true” goal was to actually eliminate the tunnels Hamas created, wouldn’t one put boots on the ground to go into Palestine to find and get rid of the tunnels?  That is not your true goal is it?  I see that conservatives in Israel are no different from conservative in the U.S.A.; full of lies with the desire to eliminate those who will not bow down and kiss your behind; those who do not buy the propaganda wrapped in ideological falsities.  Hmm, hey, but that’s the same tactic someone else back in the annals of international history used to eliminate not only your ethnicity but even his own people who did not “fit the bill” and other minorities.  You lie to your citizenry just as he did and G.W. Bush did to justify an evil.

Wow, you really love to play the “victim” don’t you, especially with your political and religious backers here in the U.S.?  I wonder why is it you do not play the same game with Germany since the atrocity to your people occurred in that nation/state.  See, I know that your American supporters are going on some Old Testament perspective forgetting that with the New Testament; that “favored” people stuff went out the window.  But for your nation, there is no Old Testament, it is either the Written Torah or the Tanakh and neither do you regard Jesus Christ as the Son of YHWH (YAHWEH or Jehovah).  Hmm, that would put one in quite a quandary.   Remember when I called you a liar and a murderer? Well, I remember Jesus saying the same to your religious ancestors, the Pharisees and Sadducees and they did not like Jesus at all.  See, Jesus associated with everyone, Jews and Gentiles, alike. Hey, wait a minute, within the Written Torah YHWH showed favor to Gentiles as well.  Remember Hagar?  Even though Ishmael, the son she had with Abram was not Jewish, YHWH made a promise to Hagar personally.  That would be Genesis 16:7-13; in the Written Torah, it would be found in the Law, Bereishith.  In Genesis 17:20, YHWH told Abraham that He, YHWH would bless Ishmael with 12 princes and make him a great nation.  Wait a minute, YHWH created 12 tribes for Israel.  Let us go back to the start of Genesis 17 though because it is there that YHWH changed Abram to Abraham which means “the father of many nations”; wow, that means we are all related and especially since Ishmael and Isaac was begotten by the same religious/spiritual patriarch, the Palestinians are truly your brothers (Genesis 17:5 & 6).  It gets better though because Genesis 17: 7-14 tells us that YHWH not only made a covenant with Abraham but with all of Abraham’s descendants which would include the peoples of Ishmael; meaning that includes Palestinians.   But you don’t really care, do you?  Your goal is to rise to a level of heinousness in violent acts against Palestinians under the subterfuge of “defending yourself” but know that just because you do not acknowledge Jesus Christ and the New Testament does not mean that YHWH is not going to hold you accountable.  See, the New Testament says YHWH is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34 & James 2:1-13), so please do not think you have some appointed right. Not only that, we are told that from one/מען blood, YHWH created all/every nations.  It goes like this: “And He has made from one blood[a] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26).  Just because you do not acknowledge the New Testament and Jesus Christ does not nullify the Words of YHWH.  It gets even better because Jesus said “many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 8:11).

Anyway, I believe that I have made my point but before I close, there is one more tidbit that I would love to share.  See, what you and your buddies in the U.S. fail to realize is that with the continued murders of children, women and the elderly; you may actually put the Arabic proverb “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” to a level of empowerment.  G.W. and his cronies lied about WMD and Al Qaida being in Iraq, even though they were not; now they are.  Why? Because G.W. and his cronies opened the door and let this group of terrorists in because everyone who knew the truth knew those same terrorists feared Saddam.   My point is that even though many in the Arab nations may dislike Hamas, the continued murders of innocent victims may spur them to support Palestine on a level not seen before.  Oh, by the way, since it was Israel who created Hamas to eliminate Yasser Arafat, how’s it working for you?

Sandra M. Corder

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