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Saturday, January 11, 2014


*Note: All scriptures will be from the New King James Version: NKJV

I just finished watching a classic, Revenge of the Nerds (Jeff Kanew, 1984) and it reminded me of an article that I did eons ago and so I decided to change it a little and share.  How ignorant are we when we apply labels to people because they are different from us?  How asinine are we when we expect children to act in a certain manner when the adults around them are far more childish?  Who are those who love to create these labels to make themselves feel better?  They are either from a privileged group [regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender]; those of physical prowess and those who use violence; whether they are children or adults, they are bullies.  This form of bullying is one of the few things within the American society that transcends race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, political affiliations, age and any other societal boundaries that usually divides us.

From a political perspective, many of them are faux Christian conservatives or haven’t you noticed?  They are those who have nothing to offer but hot air of divisive hyperbole.  Look at Joisey (Jersey) governor Chris Christie (he will be the subject of another article), Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh; just to name a few.  Exactly what do they offer for the edification of the American citizenry?  What examples do these faux carriers of righteous indignation present to the children of our nation; more frighteningly, to their own?  Has anyone noticed that when a progressive/liberal gives them a dose of their own medicine, what big babies they become?  I went into a store one day and started a conversation with the young female cashier that rang up my purchases.  During our conversation, she informed me that her parents were not married when she was born and so, her grandfather told her she was illegitimate; I was taken aback. First, because we are in the 21st century and what the hell?; second, for those who may continue to use that term, one will find that they cleave to their religion, no matter what it may be, yet they refute the power of their given holy/sacred entity in the creation of life; and third, who gives anyone the right to label someone?  Children and adults are scarred because ignorant individuals placed labels upon them; parents, teachers, ministers, and politicians are some who fall into this category.  How dare we, as a nation, even try to tell another nation-state who and how to be when we have not solved the issues within our own nation?

Before I continue, I need to explain the differences between one being religious and religion versus a spiritual state of being.  The religious [again, regardless of belief] use religion as a tool of power to wield control, power, hate and divisiveness.  Religion and the religious are loud and arrogant in the attempt to browbeat, in some form or manner, those who do not support their perspective(s).  They walk around strutting like peacocks and roosters, assuming they are the enlightened ones; and here I go labeling them for they are no more than buffoons.  The Bible says “For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers” (Matthew 23:4).  One in a spiritual state of being does not have to announce their belief; they are those who quietly do what is requested of them via their spiritual belief.  Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. are fine examples, however, we should stop and consider those who unselfishly help the homeless, the drug-addicted, the abused, the poor and so many others on the fringes of society without having to seek affirmation of how “good” they are.  Individuals spout labels without understanding the true meaning behind the words.  Let’s see; now one of the favorite words of narrow-minded faux Christian individuals is “liberal” yet they fail to realize that word means to “freely give” and they denounce their own religion in using “liberal” as a smear word.  How?  Well, the Bible teaches that Heavenly Father [or GOD to many], “freely” gave His Son Jesus Christ to save all of humanity if possible since Father is “not willing that any should perish” (2 Peter 3:9); because “GOD so loved the world” (John 3:16) and not just a chosen few because Father “shows no partiality” to any one group of peoples (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; & James 2:1).  Now consider the label that they cleave to; “conservative” means “to resist or oppose any changes; tending to preserve established traditions and/or institutions.” Not only does this description aptly describe our current conservatives but if my memory serves me correctly, it also describes those who opposed Jesus Christ during His time; the Pharisees and Sadducees. Hmm, a coincidence? Methinks not.

America, your labels hurt and they do a dis-service to your fellow human beings.  Labels keep people from breaking free of their individual prisons; it keeps children from living up to their potential; and it keep parts of our society trapped in an economic quagmire. Labels tear away the fabric of the soul; it arms those who are twisted in hate with ammunition, therefore giving them more fuel for fodder for their deeds; it is salt in the open wounds of those struggling to overcome societal stumbling blocks, heck, labels are the stumbling block.  For shame America; the red, white, and blue is fading.

“But no man can tame the tongue.  It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  With it we bless our GOD and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of GOD.  Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing.  My brethren, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:8-10).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

No More Resolutions

My Daddy got me into Westerns when I was a little girl and I love them to this day.  John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Robert Mitchum were some of the actors I enjoyed watching as cowboys, albeit I did not always side with them.  Daddy used to also watch the shows Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, Cochise, Rifleman, Bonanza and all those weekly Westerns.  Goodness, I really miss the cleanness that came with those shows.  I shared all that because one of my personal favorite Western is Tombstone (George P. Cosmatos, 1993); with Kirk Russell as Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday; it is deliciously action packed and Kilmer’s Doc Holliday was so sublime.  The only other two actors that pulled off such a piece of work with the same characters were Burt Lancaster as Wyatt and Kirk Douglas as Doc in Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (John Sturges, 1957).

Okay, sorry, I digressed a little, however, listening to the radio, watching TV, and reading articles online; many were discussing resolutions.  I thought about how many years I made resolutions only to break them and as my mind wandered regarding past and failed resolutions, something came to me.  That something was a quote from the Kilmer’s Doc Holliday near the end of the movie.  He is laid up in a hospital about to die and Wyatt visits him.  Wyatt says to Doc that all he ever wanted was a normal life to which Doc responded “There's no normal life, Wyatt, it's just life. Get on with it” and I asked myself why I was doing things as the world or society dictates.  As a parent I have always recognized the fact that it was not for me to attempt to mold my four children into my image but for them to follow the path set before them; good or bad.  My honor [not job or responsibility] as their mother was to love them unconditionally, guide them, fight for them, wrap my arms around them when it was needed and just be there for them.  I have not always been successful in every area, especially having been homeless twice; not of my doing or desire but I have come to realize that it was part of the journey; our journey.  Life is what it is, life and there is no guarantee that everyone will have a smooth ride but it is how we come out of it and if we have learned any lessons.  I learned a very long time ago that life is a never ending classroom and if one does not learn from mistakes or mishaps; we are doomed to repeat the lesson.  More importantly, the journey has led to this point that I do not have to nor need to live by others expectations; I was not created for that and that is what I taught my children.  My life and its journey can only be explained via a quote by Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) “The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity” and it is why I am in school. The adage “to thine own self be true” is spoken but we rarely live by it because of what others will think. I guess deep down I have always lived by that adage as I am not the daughter my parents attempted to mold me into nor the wife my former husband wanted me to be.   Am I where I want to be spiritually and economically? Not yet but I can honestly say that despite “the road less traveled” that has been my life; at the core, I am still me.  I have learned in my journey that if one allows negative circumstances or people to change who one is, that is weakness. Strength is going through the ugliness and your soul and spirit has not changed, it has grown but the core of who you are does not change.  Oh, I have my days of weakness, sadness and anger; you know, the usual, but now I can be content as spoken in the Bible. Now I can live life; maybe not a “normal” life as seen by others, but no more resolutions; just live mercifully, compassionately, empathetically and with love and wisdom.