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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Hoax That Is Christmas

In the infamous words of Ebenezer Scrooge “Bah, humbug” and for those who may not know, this is one of the literary characters of Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870); so very appropriate to address my topic – the hoax that is Christmas.  Consider that at this time of the year, we are allegedly supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the foundation of Christianity.  Before I continue let us go back to Dickens very quickly.  We laud him as one of the classical literary geniuses yet many fail to see or realize that the majority of his books touch on a particular touchy subject for so many conservatively religious individuals (CRI) – politicians, ministers, and laypersons alike:  the poor, the lost, the destitute (PLD); those whom Jesus calls “the least of these His brethren.”  The most celebrated work of Dickens, we see on the screen every Christmas is A Christmas Carol (1843) and for those who are of sound mind, consider that Scrooge is the embodiment of those CRI because like Scrooge they decry the poor, the lost, the destitute; blinded by their false sense of religious superiority.  There are many ideological statements by Scrooge that is shared by these CRI but the most profound would be his comment to those gentlemen who were collecting to help the PLD; he said “If they'd rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.”  If those CRI could actually make this statement without a social outcry and backlash, they would; because their many idiotic statements and policies about and against the PLD is the very mindset of Scrooge’s comment.

I digress, let us continue.  Now, the Holy Bible is divided into two parts: Old Testament (O.T.) and New Testament (N.T.).  The New Testament is the written testimony and religious/spiritual documentation of Jesus Christ but I am perplexed as to where within the N.T. that anyone is told by Jesus to celebrate His birth and I really do not recall any of the disciples or apostles celebrating His birth either.  What they did do was celebrate His life. His was a life dedicated to helping the PLD, a life full of compassion and humility; a life given so that anyone and everyone who choose to believe in Him and His purpose would have new life; a life given to give anyone and everyone hope and peace.  His life on this Earth was one dedicated to the PLD, not the CRI of His time – Jew or Gentile.  His life was one of sacrifice not fixed on the power He could [have] wielded over people as the King of Kings, the Son of Heavenly Father; He lived the life of the PLD. If He walked the Earth now as He did then, He would be labeled an indigent because He had no “fixed address”, He stayed in homes by the courtesy of hospitality by those who loved Him and believed in the purpose of His life.  Just as the CRI of His time ignored Him, so would the modern version because He was not “highly educated” and technically a blue collar because He was a carpenter, after all.  Ah, but the pièce de résistance would be the fact that He traveled with men, although there were women who gathered around Him; His constant companions were males.  Now, I wonder how these CRI would react if He entered their churches as a blue collar indigent who wore the same clothing every day and in the company of men.  Can you just hear the whispers or having some notable within the church quietly asking them to leave?  Oh, before I move on I really have to address the fallacy of Jesus being the attractive person in the many pictures in churches and homes.  Isaiah 53:2, in the O.T., reads “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.”  The definition of the base word comely is attractive and that means those pictures are not the true identity of Jesus Christ. As far as the topic of the color of His skin; any true believer knows that it does not matter and is a petty sentiment to place upon Jesus who broke every societal barriers; do remember He healed Jews and Gentiles [non-Jews] alike. 

If one truly wanted to celebrate Who Jesus Christ is, why would or should that be about buying materialistic objects for those within our “circle” at this one time of the year; when we can buy these things for them at any time?  Would not or should not the real celebration of Jesus represent what His life stood for?  As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself said “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid.  But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind.  And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just” [Luke 14:12 – 14].  Hmm, I wonder what He was trying to tell us.  But we know those CRI would not even consider this option; oh my bad, they would for a photo op.   Let us look to the birth of Jesus Christ - first, Father did not choose a wealthy family to be the conduit for His Son’s entrance into the world of men; second, He was born in a manger [actually a barn as there were animals and hay], if Joseph and Mary had been wealthy they could have paid a higher fee for a room and the innkeeper would have gladly made a place for them; third, Father sent the angels to the lowliest of blue collar workers, the shepherds; not to the religious and political leaders of the Jews; and finally, the Magis [or wise men] who presented their gifts to the baby in the manger were foreigners - Gentiles who Father contacted via the Star of Bethlehem.  Anyone see a pattern here?  Father paid no attention to any of the leaders from the 12 tribes of Israel.  Those who allegedly spoke for Him to the people; He gave no heed to them in the joyous announcement of the birth of His Son.  

To continue my explanation of the hoax of Christmas, let us look at some of those religious/spiritual songs sung in celebration.  All the songs speak of hope, joy, and peace on Earth to all of mankind, not only to a selected few. First, in Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, verse one reads “GOD and sinners reconcile” and “Joyful, all ye nations rise” not just certain nations; second, Silent Night! Holy Night!, verse three reads of “the dawn of redeeming grace”; third, The First Noel, verse one reads of “certain poor shepherds”, not the wealthy leaders of Israel and verse four reads “let us all of one accord” which means that Father does not classify us as categorizations as we do to each other; fourth, O Little Town of Bethlehem, verse three again shows that Heavenly Father does not see status as it reads “GOD imparts to human hearts”, not just to a chosen few; fifth, Joy to the World, the title says it all as world encompasses the multitude of peoples on this Earth; sixth, Away in a Manger speaks to poverty and the poor in the first verse with “no crib for a bed”; seventh, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear speaks to those “beneath life’s crushing load, whose forms are bending low, who toil along the climbing way with painful steps and slow” which speaks to the poor, the destitute, the “least of these” in verse three; and finally, the another pièce de résistance is Oh Holy Night, in which the third verse reads “Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace; Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother and in His Name all oppression shall cease”; powerful words ignored by many.  There are also some secular carols that emphasize the purpose of Jesus’ birth. First, GOD Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen  tells us in verse one “Let nothing you dismay” and “To save us all”; but the most powerful is Good King Wenceslas  about a king who left the comfort of his throne to bring comfort to the poor, dying in his mission.  Even in the secular celebration of this holiday of greed, the resonance of the message of Jesus is still seen in the character of Santa Claus, whose real identity is Saint [Bishop] Nicholas.  A man born to wealthy parents in a town that was part of Greece, who taught him the tenets of Jesus and upon the death of his parents, Nicholas followed one of those tenets by selling all that he had and giving to the poor, the destitute according to Jesus’ Words [Matthew 19:21 & Luke 18:22].  Mind you, I do not have envy for those with wealth but what I cannot condone is the irresponsibility of those CRI who talk a good sound bite but purposely choose not to walk the walk.  Not only do they not walk this path in personal responsibility to He whose birth they celebrate, but the economic/domestic policies they support decries the purpose of Jesus’ birth and His life.

In conclusion, the unfortunate thing is that this is applicable to everyone despite religious beliefs, race, gender, ethnicity, and political ideology; it speaks to the selfish conditions of the heart.  Jesus said “ it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of GOD” [Matthew 19:24 & Mark 10:25]; not because of the wealth but how one uses that wealth.  Scrooge had the opportunity to change the condition of his heart and became a great benefactor to the poor and destitute.  To throw a zinger in here in the fairness of this holiday, one cannot forget that Scrooge had an employee, Bob Cratchit, who was part of the working poor with a family in which was a son, Tiny Tim who had an impediment.  Scrooge paid Cratchit minimum wage even though he could afford to pay a higher wage. This was rectified once Scrooge saw the error of his ways; increasing Cratchit’s wages and ensuring that Tiny Tim had the best medical treatments to address his medical condition; with Scrooge becoming a second father to Tiny Tim.  Again, it is unfortunate that many of our modern day Scrooges will not have the same opportunity to change their hearts and minds and in truth may metaphorically end up like Scrooge’s former business partner, Jacob Marley.  I lift a cup of egg nog to wish everyone “ A most Happy and Blessed Holidays”.  In the words of Tiny Tim “GOD bless us, everyone.”

Sandra M. Corder
17 December 2013


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sychophants of the Christian Religion

 Shame on you leeches of the Christian religion/faith; you callously talk about your million dollar homes as a blessing from GOD while you are milking His people who can barely afford rent and of which some are homeless.  Shame on you leeches of the Christian religion/faith; you so callously push for legislative measures off the backs of those who can least afford it; you eagerly espouse your twisted interpretation of the Scriptures while fleecing those Jesus Christ called “the least of these”.
 You sycophants of religion; using the Word of GOD to benefit yourselves within the political and religious arenas. You deny the wisdom of science to justify your lack of stewardship on this orb and global warming; you justify stealing from the poor to benefit the wealthy by using the Scripture “if a man does not work, he does not eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) while forgetting that this Scripture is about ministers, not being a burden to those they preach.  That is the only and let me repeat the “ONLY” Scripture to your utilization because the very religion you purport to follow informs the reader far too often of our responsibility to the poor, to “the least of these”; or do you have selective memories?  Paul may have written a great amount of letters in the New Testament but it is not he for whom the religion/faith was built upon; that would be Jesus Christ.  What was the summation of Christ’s reference to “the least of these”, pray tell?  Whatever you do [or not do] to the least of these my brothers [and sisters], you do also to Me” (Matthew 25: 31 -46).  Do you even understand that He takes this personally?   I surmise that you leeches stopped the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) phase because you could not nor would not acknowledge the burden He carried and requested of us.  Those of you in the religious arena support Republicans who do not ascribe to the life of Jesus Christ; in words only do this group of political sycophants ascribe to Christ but in reality and deeds they do not.  You in the religious arena have not informed your political counterparts of GOD’s warning which states “Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, who write misfortune which they have prescribed to rob the need of justice and to take what is right from the poor of My people; that widows may be their prey and that they rob the fatherless” (Isaiah 10:1-2).  Those of you in the religious arena are far worse than those religious sycophants in the political arena. Why?  Because in your refusal to stand up for those Jesus Christ calls “the least of these”, you have shown your hubris that you support “these people [who] draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips; but their heart is far from Me and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15: 8-9 & Mark 7: 6-7).  The doctrine of men would include the stealing from the elderly, the poor, and fatherless children the opportunity to eat by eliminating or decreasing the Food Stamp program; the several attempts to eradicate the Affordable Care Act, when Jesus showed us by healing all who approached Him, Gentile and Jew alike, that people being healthy was important to Him.  The doctrine of men would be taking away a woman’s right to make decisions for her own body.  Pompous hypocrites, are you so arrogant that you do not realize that abortions were happening when Jesus walked this Earth?  If GOD loved this world enough to allow us to make our own choices; why do you have the audacity to think you can supersede our Creator? You feign pro-life while your support for legislations to oppress those different from yourselves is denying life on a plethora of levels.  All of you sycophants talk and behave as though you are better than those outside of your poisonous circle when “in truth, I perceive that GOD shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34 & Romans 2:11).

 Ah, but the pièce de résistance comes from you not yet realizing that when Jesus walked this Earth, He did not associate with the politically and religiously conservatives of His day.  You should check out Matthew 7: 21 – 23.  You sycophants in the religious and political circle forget that when you call others what you deem as a dirty word, liberal, that the first liberal was Jesus Christ; you toss around another word as though it was dirty, socialist, and yet you forget that Jesus Christ was a socialist by His lifestyle.  He had no permanent address and while I do not decry you and your families living well; I fault you for having more than one home when the very people who send monies to your ministries and campaigns are in need of help and you refuse to help them.  I guess you must have forgotten the Scriptures that say “But whoever has this world’s goods and sees his brother [or sister] in need and shuts up his [or her] heart…..how does the love of GOD abide in him [that individual]? (1 John 3: 17 – 18) and “We then, who are strong, ought to bear the scruples of the weak and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1).  You build million to billion dollar churches when that is not required, for we are told “GOD, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands” (Acts 17:24).

I will close by reminding any and all readers that in following the aforementioned sycophants, know that they do not have the answer nor are they correct.  How do I know that?  Because they who think they speak for GOD does not.  First, the Scriptures says that “GOD has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and GOD has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things that are mighty” (1 Corinthian 1:27) and He showed us.  When Jesus was born, the angels of GOD were sent to those at the bottom of the economic ladder, the shepherds and the star was not sent to any of the political or religious leaders of Israel; it was sent to three Gentile kings.  Second, in the first chapter of Matthew, in the physical genealogy of Jesus Christ, there are three women mentioned: Tamar (Matthew 1:3), who had children by her father-in-law (Genesis 38), Rahab (Matthew 1:5) a Gentile prostitute (Joshua 2), and Ruth (Matthew 1:5), another Gentile (Book of Ruth). Finally,   if one reads the four Gospels, one can see that the life of Jesus Christ is not emulated by any of the aforementioned.  Indeed, the followers of Jesus Christ exemplified His life in “now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common” (Acts 4:32 – 37).  The emphasis here is not on giving away what one has, the emphasis here is being there for each other.  At the end of the day, “go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.  For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:13); of which we are all sinners but how we treat those who among us who are “the least of these” is the true testament to one’s faith or belief. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Americans, Really?

Here we go again.  The bastard children of the Republican Party known as the Tea Party are at it again as they attempt to once again, shut down the United States federal government, thus shutting down the lives of ordinary citizens especially the most vulnerable.  They call themselves patriots but I think not!!!! Better, I know that they are not.  Why?  Because they claim to be advocates of the U.S. Constitution and even worse, Christians.  Follow me as I expand on who they really are albeit many of you already know that they are wolves in sheep’s clothing but goodness maybe that is sullying the wolf because we know wolves don’t pretend to be what they are not.  They are communal beast, dedicated and loyal to their pack; not so these Tea Party folks, their heart desires are grandiose for “their” political climb, maybe up to the Oval Office.

Before I continue my ramble, I have to point out one of the Tea Party’s golden boy, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.  Now, I don’t know about anyone else but when someone who holds a position of power within our government heap praise upon a former senator who exemplified all that is hateful within the human genome, yes America, we have problems.  Ted Cruz lauded the very caricature of racism and bigotry, Jesse Helms, stating that there should be “100 more like Jesse Helms”.[1]  Now, I have three links because no one in their right mind could even conceive that with the Republican Party attempting to “broaden” their political tent that one of their own would even utter these words.  Grant it, it was a celebration of sorts of Helms but one can acknowledge the life of a person without such pontification; this was bonkers and boy will it haunt not only Cruz but Republicans because no one in a leadership position even stood up and denounced the words.  Que sera sera!!!

Okay, back to the task at hand.  If anarchy means a chaotic situation, a situation in which there is a total lack of organization or control; that would make those who pursue such measures anarchist.  While I do consider them dangerous for the good of the nation, I do not consider them [nor would I] home grown terrorists, however, within the legal vernacular, their “threat” to shut down the government yet again would be considered a “credible threat” and “The term credible threat means a threat that is “ real and immediate, not conjectural or hypothetical. Kegler v. United States DOJ, 436 F. Supp. 2d 1204, 1212 (D. Wyo. 2006)”.[2]  So my fellow citizens, I ask you, have we become a bunch of lazy sit on our collective asses citizen pansies who will allow these individuals to do this again!!?? These people take an oath and that oath says, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.[3] This is not what they are doing.  If any group of peoples have the right to shut down the government, it is “we, the people”; not elected officials.  The Framers of the Constitution must be writhing in their graves on the audacity of these individuals to harm our great but imperfect Republic in this manner.  For them: “Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others” (Edward Abbey, 1928– 1989); and for the rest of us “If I sit silently, I have sinned” (Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, (1882 – 1967).