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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Black Folks – Racism

There are two sets of truths that exist, spiritual and physical and although I try to live by the spiritual, living on this earth sometimes make it quite difficult.  Before I go into my perspective, I will start with two spiritual truths; they are “GOD is no respecter of persons” {Acts 10:34} and “from ONE blood GOD created EVERY nation of men” {Acts 17:26}.

Racism is evil in itself and all who practice it, even Christians, are stiff-necked, hard-hearted people.  Beyond that, it never fails to amaze me that Black folks would have the audacity to practice this evil not only against others but each other. Somewhere along the way, Black folks assumed that they had that kind of power, NOT.  I am so tired of hearing about ‘foreigners’ first because my parents are foreigners as am I and second we are all of one race, human.   I am tired of hearing Black folks whine and complain about those foreigners.  They do the jobs Black folks are too good to do anymore, so what’s the problem? Black folks complain about how many of them live in an apartment or a house but they are working together to better themselves, what are we doing for each other?

In retrospect, the signing of the Civil Rights Bill did more harm than good because we lost our souls; we lost ourselves.  I say that because the racism practiced against us still exists but we are no longer united.  Before the signing of the C.R. Bill, we were there for each other, for comfort, for strength.  Although we’re now allowed to sit anywhere on the bus many still resort to the back.  Those of our race who ‘have made it’ have forgotten those of who haven’t.  Usually it’s the light skinned, long hair females such as Beyonce, who is thrust upon us as the measure of beauty.  Black children and adults who have the nerve to strive for something better are labeled as trying to be white.  What is wrong with us? 

For the talking some Black folks do, they don’t or can’t seem to back it up by taking action.  What happened after the Million Man March?  I don’t see Black men stepping up to the plate.  What about the Million Woman March?  Black women are still treating each other with disrespect and distrust. The things Black folks had to contend with before the signing of the bill, still exists.  Racism hasn’t been erased; those who practice it just can’t do it as openly as before.  The problem also lies in the fact that people like Clarence Thomas and others of the Black race practice racism against their own race [known as reverse racism].  It’s all about image and what they got and what they can achieve for themselves and their peers.  If they were about us, they would have fought harder for equality and justice.

The owner of a dog will do what is necessary to keep it quiet.  Within the global community, the U.S. was the owner; Black folks were the dogs.  The neighbors were watching to see what was going to happen, so to quiet us they gave us a bone.  Once we got that bone, we settled down with a whimper.  We have no power because we are divided. I will close with two adages that says, “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem” and “Silence is golden”.

Sandra M. Corder

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