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Monday, July 19, 2010


Accountability, a word that many within our society, across the board, no biases here, has lost grasp of and its definition. It is 19 July 2010 and it is a little after 10 a.m. as I am sitting here listening to Majic 102.3 FM. As I am not privy to the precise topic, I can only assume from the response of the callers as they were discussing how children are mis-behaving and babies having babies and not knowing how to be a parent. Okay, I understand that, but I also understand that there are adults in that child’s life. Where on earth are the parent(s) and grandparents? Where are the fathers, as we know that many of them run quickly the other way once that female becomes pregnant? Look at what K-Fed did to his babies’ mother, Shar Jackson. She was pregnant with his child, the second or third, he hooks up with Britney Spears. First of all, what kind of male was he to do that and what kind of female was Britney to accept him abandoning his first set of kids? (That’s another article). Where on earth are the churches? No one is doing what they are supposed to. Parents teach your children, it should not matter whether or not you are a single parent, it is doable. Church folks, get out of the cozy confines of your churches and do what you were called to do, to help the weakest of our society. Or are you forgetting, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak and not to please ourselves”?[1] It never fails to boggle my brain when something devastating happens and family members are interviewed saying, “so and so was a good person, they just needed help”, okay, so as family where were any of you? Too busy living your lives to notice a problem until it is too late. Alleged Black leaders, stop hawking for the spotlight and start fighting for your communities as the fight is not over, or don’t you see that? Just because there are far more middle-class Black families does not negate the fact that in parts of the Deep South, they live in squalor. In the urban communities, the education is sorely lacking. Where is the accountability?

Earlier this morning, I listened to Don Lemon of CNN News question a Black male who runs some branch of the Tea Party Movement who stated, “the letter Mark Williams posted on his blog was offensive but not racist”. Are you kidding me? First of all, as a Black person, I have never and will never understand how any person of African heritage can align themselves with persons who clearly would prefer to be living way back when the Black race was subservient. No matter one’s political stance, unless one is racist, practicing reverse racism or just will not acknowledge it, the letter was beyond offensive. It was derogatory in every sense of the word especially as Williams cast himself as a person of color writing this letter to President Lincoln. Those within the GOP have been accommodating such behavior only to garner votes or are they acquiescing? Remember, GOP is the acronym for Grand Ole Party, which smacks of the deep, dark days of the South to me. Where is the accountability?

We live in a society where few want to be accountable but our current president does. How many times has he stated that he takes full responsibility for a problem that a cabinet member may have fumbled? He does not nor should he take responsibility for our current economic crisis which originated within the Bush administration, this woe is accountable to them and those who profited from the tax breaks, lack of regulations, and back room deals. Everyone has an excuse but enough is enough. We can run away from facing our issues or our actions but know that on Judgment Day, there is no running. No one can escape that day, so fool yourselves if you choose; you do so at your own peril.

[1] Romans 15:1

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