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Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Fear of Change

I read an article on Yahoo’s site about President Clinton, who during an event, warned of the power of words especially incendiary words in this hostile climate. He also reminded us how such words fall into the audio receptacles of the sane and insane, those on the very brink of madness or as I see it, twisted patriotism, to perpetrate an act as heinous as the one committed by Timothy McVeigh on April 1995. What really disturbed me were some of the comments left by those wishing to share their opinions on the article. There are so much twisted and truly troubled minds out there, the venomous hate just seeping through the very harsh rhetoric not only by notables such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, to name a few, but the average citizens living under the delusions that their “leaders” speak the truth.

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomfort”[1], because “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another”[2] and this is what frightens those opposed to President Obama. I have always felt that the “tea baggers” aren’t fearful of the government and their excuse in their behavior is not acceptable. My assumption of them during last year’s April 15th noise making has been proven correct. They are those who can afford to do as they do as they are not among the poverty-stricken yet not one of them raised a voice as Bush was bleeding this country. Obama didn’t put us into debt, it was Bush but there can be no mistake as to why their fury is as insatiable as a junkie needing the next fix; it is their fear of a Black man and a Democrat at that, who’s in the driver’s seat. I remember during the Clinton administration, how Newt Gingrich and the GOP battled with the president and everything he wanted to accomplish. I realized one of the reasons they hated him so much was his popularity with the average citizen as well as his strategically political moves, as he stepped on their toes frequently. The current political atmosphere is similar with the exception of the skin color of our current president. There is no mistake of the seething hatred of the “tea baggers”, starting with the insidious rants starting with the “birthers” and now enmeshed with the “tea baggers”. President Obama and Clinton where raised by single mothers and witnessed firsthand the struggles of these women and the reason that they have fought and fight for those with less. Within the realm of the “tea baggers”, they don’t understand the struggle and they don’t care. They are spoiled children having a temper tantrum because they didn’t get their way, nothing more, and nothing less. It was the citizenry with the “tea bagger” mentality, that helped tipped the economy to the precipice but they’re so wrapped up in their own little world and blinded by their hate of all things outside their way of being, they don’t see the part they have played and are still playing in de-stabilizing our society. The leaders of the pack and their followers make assumptions forgetting what happens when one makes assumptions, ignoring the fact that they are truly making asses of themselves. They are beyond reasoning, beyond comprehension. They are the blind leading the blind, groping around in the dark trying to find something to hold on to out of their fear and hatred. Their fears stem from the fact that under any Republican president, they have prospered but under a Republican administration, “the government, which was designed for the people, has gotten into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interest. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy”[3]. Isn’t that form of government far more dangerous than the alleged “socialist” government they say Obama is operating?

[1] Arnold Bennett

[2] Anatole France

[3] Woodrow Wilson

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