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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Why Fellow Citizens of All Faiths and True Patriots Should Vote for Democrats

“The care of Human life and happiness and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government” (Thomas Jefferson).

   Before I continue, for those of you who refuse to vote for a pro-choice Democrat because of your pro-life stance; here is food for thought. First, being pro-choice is not an endorsement of abortion; any more than being pro-gun is an endorsement of murder. Indeed, one could make the argument that one cannot be both pro-life and pro-gun, because one is the antithesis of the other. The sole purpose of a gun is to take away life, a defined contradiction of pro-life. Second, whether one reads The Bible, Qu ‘ran or the Torah; or pray to GOD, ALLAH (Arabic for GOD) or YAHWEH, our Creator gave each and every one of us free-will which equals the right to make individual choice(s) for our lives. Choice is the right of every sentient being. Finally, abortion is not a new-fangled act of a society; it has existed since the dawn of Humankind yet none of the aforementioned holy readings addresses this issue. They all speak of doing what is right for the life of every Human Being who walk among us.  

    Two Generals of the Civil War exemplify the major political parties, albeit the former Republican Party is no longer recognizable. Democrats embody Ulysses S. Grant, described as one “who would fight with an equal tenacity for the broader concept of society” and believed that “no man [or woman] was born to anything, except perhaps to a chance to show how far he [or she] could rise” (Bruce Catton, Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts, 1956). This is what Democrats believe and for which they fight. The Republican Party embody Robert E. Lee, described as one who believed “that it was somehow advantageous to Human society to have a pronounced inequality in the social structure” (Catton). Democrats are critical thinkers, having ideas of how to move the country forward with inclusion that provides unity and strength in, and for, the nation. The Republican Party is ambiguous, with no clear ideas or direction of how to move the country forward; they are missing the good ole days. Democrats believe that every citizen should have the opportunity, the right for the pursuit of their dreams and happiness. They realize that being poor does not mean one is not intelligent; the poor just needs the opportunity to climb out of that economical black hole. Republicans do not suffer the poor and the weak kindly. Democrats fight for inclusion; they know that when poor citizens of color have those opportunities, they will indeed rise to the occasion as they did during WWII, after Truman integrated the military (Executive Order 9981). This applies also to poor Whites and many fail to realize that Martin Luther King, Jr. was not fighting for the rights of Black citizens alone; he was also fighting for the rights of poor Whites. Republicans have no taste or inclination for a united nation, playing upon racist fears and suspicions by using abstract generalizations. Republicans [reluctantly] allow people of color and women into their party because if they did not, they would lose at the polls. Their form of inclusion is nothing more than a political shotgun wedding. They would much rather rewind the hands of time when White men were the power. A time when women, Blacks and other racial minorities ‘had and knew their place’, when White men answered to no one for their actions. Democrats have always attempted for social justice and change, but with so many ideas, there is the butting of heads that is often to the detriment of the Party. Republicans hold to the wearied Party line of the good ole boys and times.
      The Bible states, “We then who are strong, ought to bear the scruples of the weak and not to please ourselves” (Romans 15:1). I find it [sarcastically] interesting that the Party most Christians support and vote for, does not hold to this. They talk the game of Christianity, but they do not live or walk it. Their very behavior is and of itself immoral as they cleave to money and power, the twin offsprings of greed.  Interestingly enough, John Adams said, “Power always thinks that it is doing GOD’s service, when it is violating all His Laws”. Oppression of the poor, the weak and racism are violations of these religious Dictates. Jesus Christ did not screen whom He helped, He helped all who asked of Him, Gentiles (non-Jews) and Jews alike. On the other hand, the imperfect Democrats do “bear the scruples of the weak”, without braggadocio of their religious beliefs; they live it. Both parties fall short of being infallible, they are, after all, Human Beings.  The responsibility of a politician is to fight for those who have no power; to fairly represent every constituent, not only those who contribute large donations to a campaign. The establishment of the American government; indeed, what was fought for; was to protect the inhabitants from the heavy, unfair and unjust rule of the British monarchy.  The establishment of the American government was to protect the individual right to live a decent life and to be a contributing member of society. Ideology is nice, however, when it interferes upon the premise of the nation, that ideology is a destroyer of democracy. One does not need to be a Christian and/or a reader of The Bible to understand this “Beware, lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men; according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). Like oil and water, the traditions of Humankind and the principles of the world that sows fear and hate; do not mix with our Creator. Usurpers of the religions, using divisive words and acts, perversely interpret their given religion to control; to have dominion over others, especially those who are “different”.  In the eyes of our Creator, there “is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34 & Romans 2:11). At the end of the day “When the game [of life] is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box” (Italian Proverb).

Sandra M. Corder
13 July 2019