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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Right to Life and to Live

I watched the Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night [13th Jan. 2015], he addressed the fact that there are no “legitimate” national counts of citizens killed by law enforcement.  The piece is called “Tracking Deadly Force”[1] with Rep. Steve Cohen who is pushing legislation to track these fatal events taking the lives of many American citizens and more specifically, African Americans.

Many of us are armchair witnesses to these killings with some of us participating in peaceful protests.  In spite of and despite #Blacklivesmatter, the silence from those who are quick to tout and espouse the mantra of “right-to-life” is deafening.  Also deafening is the silence of the many ministers/pastors/priests that had no problem shouting about their immense dislike to all things of the LGBT community.  Here’s the kicker, both groups claim [faux] religious indignation when they pursue their alleged grievances.  While the hypocrisy of both groups is nothing new, they should be called out on it.  Well said is this quote by Edmund Burke “Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference.”  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of the cloth who saw the injustices; not only for African Americans but for every poor citizen as well. The victory of the Civil Rights Movement was not only in the oratory skills of Dr. King and the determination of he and his supporters; it was also in the inclusion of religious leaders from every religion, race and ethnicity standing with him to let this country know that this man was not alone and they all stood on religious principles.  Many American citizens died attempting to bring some form of equality to the lives of African Americans. As a very flawed Born-Again Christian, it hurts me to realize that those who allege obedience to Christian values purposely deny the fact that we are told more than once in the New Testament that Heavenly Father is no respecter of persons.  If our Creator does not care about skin color or what is in one’s bank account, how dare anyone of us live contrary to that?  I don’t cry much but the death of Michael Brown caused a reaction in me that had the tears flowing. Is it because I am the mother of two African American males; because this is just a continued pattern in the emasculation of males of color; because so many Christians have said nothing of the injustices; or because it affected my spirit in a way that I had no control of? I don’t know, all I know is that it is an evil when we allow the lives of anyone to be arbitrarily determined by those who are supposed to enforce the law.  When this arbitration is focused on a particular racial group, this historically continued pattern borders on genocide. In the refusal to charge officers especially when the victim was unarmed and/or the criminal justice system; those who remain silent are supporting legally sanctioned killings and incarcerations. We have more citizens incarcerated than countries that imprison their political opponents and dissidents.  

Is crime an issue in African American communities? Of course it is but why? National and local politics do not take the time to invest in the communities who need it most due to wrong thinking.  The American society is Dr. Frankenstein creating (and re-creating) the ugliness they blame on the residents of these communities that border on Third World living.  “The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking” (Albert Einstein) but far too many refuse to change their way of thinking. It’s easier to think in the terms that “those” people deserve what they get without taking responsibility for creating the environment.  This racial animus can be seen in the fact that within poorer communities, schools cannot afford new textbooks[2], teachers have to use other means to procure the necessary items to teach their students[3], and most disturbing is that teachers in these schools are paid less than their counterparts in the suburbs[4].  How can anyone stand up for “life” while quietly aiding in the denial of life and living to the descendants of the African slaves who helped many Caucasian families become wealthy? “At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that GOD made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being” (Frederich Otto Hertz) and this is the foundation for the total disregard of Black lives.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Obama and Ferguson: Why He Doesn’t Get It

 Since the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, I have heard voices from within the African American community commenting on what President Obama needs to be doing to “represent”.  I clearly remember that conservatives are waiting for an opportunity to impeach him, so from a political standpoint, not a smart move.  I also remember during his first win in 2008, that he vowed to be President to all of America, even those who did not vote for him.  Even though we know that conservatives have no such moral inclination to be fair; it would be detrimental if President Obama stooped to their level. 

However, I want to address this matter from a more personal perspective; I am a foreign born Black as are my parents. Initially we lived in a predominately White neighborhood where the best friend of one of my two brothers was Italian; my other brother’s best friend was Pakistani.  My friends were all White from church and Girl Scouts and my older sister’s best friend was also White.  Aside from his friends at the West Indian Club, Daddy’s best friend was a giant White man and Mommy’s extended family were a very much older African American couple as well as the two White families for whom she worked.  I share all of this to say that I never knew or understood the intense dislike and distrust of White people, especially law enforcement, by African American students I met from being bussed. I did not know because my family and I never had any experiences that would instill such distrust.  I understand that now only because I have four African American children, including two sons. I have lived in this community for 15 years where I have witnessed the mistreatment by the police. My sons, who do not hang out on the streets neither do they have criminal records, have both been stopped and questioned on their way to work and coming home.  The identifiable factors – the color of their skin and the community they live in.  President Obama did not grow up in urban mainland America and his mother and grandparents had no knowledge of what awaited their son and grandson so that they could “alert” him on how or who to be around law enforcement. Even if his biological dad had been in his life, the man was from another country and would have lacked the same form of knowledge for his son.  As a community activist, he saw the social and economic results of a system built on racial animus but he did not live it in the same context as those he helped.  Another way to look at this is the fact that there are many children of foreign born parents who may not know the language of their heritage.   I have a friend who is Latina and speaks Spanish yet neither one of her children can speak or even read the language. 

The fact that AG Holder went to Ferguson tells me that President Obama was very aware and concerned especially after identifying with Trayvon Martin. The difference was that the stark reality of Michael Brown’s death at the hands of a White police officer ripped away any fragments of mental and emotional restraint that many have used to ignore the racial oppression going on in certain communities.  The death of Eric Garner and the results of that grand jury was the salt into the wounds of a historically long festering and putrid cankerous sore.  What could President Obama have said that would have made this disease less malignant?  Is anyone forgetting the many times “certain” citizens set up shop outside the White House derailing and demeaning the President? Is anyone forgetting the fact that death threats to this President is far higher than any other? Or the fact that many open-carry laws have increased as did the sales of guns.  So, what could President Obama have said that would have eased the minds of those African Americans denouncing his lack of vocal participation?  Mayor Bill de Blasio is a White man with an African American son who spoke the truth of the real for his son. Look at the reaction of those with small minds who are charged with protecting citizens.  If this is how one group reacted to a truth, what do you think would happen if the first African American President spoke what he really felt?  I also find it incredulous that those calling out President Obama have not called out the many ministers who did not have a problem voicing their opinions on same sex marriages or a woman’s right to make decisions for her body and life.  Those ministers who are supposed to be representing the compassion of Jesus Christ and fighting for what is right and just.  What happened to the voices of all those who are pro-life?  So, lay off President Obama on this especially since no one seems to be calling out African American churches that used to be the backbone in urban communities on social justice.