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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Police State of Mind

I just finished reading an article about a man subdued and consequently killed by the police http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/26/justice/oklahoma-arrest-death-video/index.html .  His crime?  Attempting to stop an argument between his wife and daughter.  Okay, America, at what point do you not realize that the police have become synonymous to the Gestapo and the SS of Nazism? How can I say that?  Because in urban communities [also outside of the community], police officers target people of color mostly males to harass, arrest and kill just because.  Officers hide behind the badge and no one dares question their actions because heaven forbid we find that the individual[s] are not worthy of the badge.  But hey, wait a minute, many of them are not.  Many are no more than legalized psychopaths with a license to kill and that they do very well.  The interesting thing is that if the continued murders of minority youths by the police were happening to youths in the suburbs; there would be an outcry. 

The police, just like the rest of us, are human beings yet we, as citizens, do not have the right to question them and not end up in handcuffs.  It is especially so for people of color but my question is why can’t we ask questions of the police?  How is it resisting arrest because we want to know specifics?  Come on America, you cannot be so blind because justice is not.  Consider the fact that a male of color, be he African American or Hispanic/Latino, youth or adult is stopped.  Now, if that citizen asks “why are you stopping me” or “what did I do officer” that officer has the right to slap the cuffs on and say the person was resisting arrest.  It has happened far too many times and who in society is going to side with that male of color against a cop?   Consider during training, officers are taught to shoot to disarm yet the biases and racism within our society also permeates the organization that is supposed to protect us.  The “stop & frisk” under former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg is actually what police officers have been doing to men of color since Jim Crow through to the Civil Rights Movement….. and since the Civil Rights Movement, it has become quite clear that race or ethnicity is not an issue here because once they put on that uniform – they are all blue.  It should not be ignored that many police officers were and still are members of groups with extreme racist views like the KKK; nothing has changed except the enactments of a few federal laws that are not being adhered to. 

If you think I am blowing hot air, look to the story of New Jersey Marcus Jeter who was falsely accused by the police of resisting arrest http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/investigators&id=9440401 yet the dash-cam showed a whole other scenario and the police falsified their reports;  research the story of Chavis Carter who mysteriously died of a shot to the head, an alleged suicide while handcuffed in the back of a police car http://thegrio.com/2012/08/02/chavis-carter-case-mother-disputes-police-story-of-squad-car-suicide/; or the story of a Hispanic youth killed for graffiti on an empty building http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/07/israel-hernandez-taser_n_3722420.html .  Does anyone realize that the murders of the three young men (Chaney, Goodman & Schwerner) during the Civil Rights Movement was aided and abetted by law enforcement? http://core-online.org/History/Chaney,%20Goodman%20%26%20Schwerner.htm.  Many citizens assume that the police are the good guys but this is only a snippet of the truth that far too many of you want to ignore unless this injustice hits close to home. 

While not all law enforcement is like this, far too many took this position to wield power and control, which is one aspect of the SS and Gestapo.  Just as during WWII, when the Gestapo would walk the streets harassing and shooting Jewish citizens is the same tactics used against Hispanic and Black males now.  Just as in the old South when police officers with their KKK counterparts would do the same with the added invasion of homes, it is a continuance in a non-stop loop of racism, hubris and apathy.  Not only from the police but our society as well and people wonder why so many citizens of color hate the police.  There is a long record of the victimization of people of color by the police, a throwback to the days of slavery.  Just because you don’t know about it does not means it is not real. Many of you choose not to see it or learn of it and by your silence America; you give this legitimized gang the power to continue in their brutality.  The fact that Black parents live in fear when their sons go out, not knowing if they are coming back alive is no different from WWII and those who did not fit the Nazi Aryan form of being.  It may not be on the same level of heinousness; however, it is still an evil that you, America, by your very silence have validated.